Part 12 "am fine"

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Lena wakes up alone in bed and the sound of music in the distance and the smell of bacon and bleach she knows you didn't sleep last night she felt you move every 10 minutes she tried to stay up with you she doesn't know when she went to sleep but she did

Lena gets out of bed and makes her way into the kitchen when she sees you in an apron that says "would you like to try the sausage?" with a cartoon hand pointing down 👇

"Oh morning was the music too loud," you say Turing down the speaker Lena shakes her head "am making breakfast you and I've cleaned everything" you turn back around and carry on cooking

Lena was very confused by your behaviour and thought you would spend the day in her wrapped up in a blanket "have you eaten baby?" Lena asks

"No, but I will I have to make sure everyone else eats first" as you're taking your hands are moving constantly you pull down a plate for Lena who looks down at the floor and she could see her face in it no joke a clear reflection of her face

Lena looks over at the bin and sees it full of food burnt food and cleaning products "babe what time did you start cooking?" Lena asks concerned more than anything you look at her and smile "well you fell asleep at 4:34 am so probably then I don't know what time is it now?" You ask genuinely not knowing

"It's 10 maybe you should sit down" Lena walks Around  to you and puts her hand on your shoulder "no am good" you roll your shoulders so her hand falls off your shoulder

Lena's worried now normally you're the cuddly one the one who cuddles up on the sofa so this is new you pushing Lena away she knows you are in pain "okay just promise me you'll eat something I'm going for a shower" Lena says before kiss between your shoulder blades and walking off into the shower

When she leaves you to put your hands down on the side take a deep breath and close your eyes you open your eyes and let out a Breath and smile "am fine" you whisper to yourself

While Lena's in the bathroom she calls Alex "hey Lena" Alex says down the phone "I know you probably want to be left alone and I would call unless I thought something was wrong..." Alex cuts Lena off

"What's going on?" Alex asks she knows it's about you "y/n cooking and cleaning" Alex sits up in her bed phone still resting on the side  of her face "did he sleep last night?" Alex asks

"No, he said he's been up since 4:30 am" Lena hears the music stop and the tv turn on in the living room "if he's still being like this tomorrow Me and Kara will come down and deal with it"

"Okay should I be doing anything to help him," Lena asks Alex Lena doesn't often ask for help but she loves you and wants to know how to help you "just be there try and be patient," Alex says before saying bye to Lena

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