Chapter 2 The Bully

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  The Next morning Marley and Serena meet up with Emma in front of the lockers. Good morning, guys. "Emma said cheerfully," Morning Emma. "Marley and Serena said together," Serena, didn't you have an Essay to turn in today? "Marley said,'' Crap I forgot thanks for reminding me Marley, I'm sorry are you going to be alright going to the cafeteria alone? Serena said, " Yea I will be ok Serena stop worrying I have Emma to walk with me anyways right Emma? "Marley said,'' Ok I won't be long I promise. "Serena said as she was running to the classroom," So Emma, what do you want to do? "Marley said,'' Nothing with a shy brat like you! "Emma Said," What did you say? "Marley asked," Did you really think I changed HA I was just trying to get your sister's trust because she is the most popular girl in school I was Just being nice to you so your sister would agree to become my friend again. "Emma said,'' When Serena finds out about this she will not be your friend anymore! "Marley said,'' Ha and how is she going to find out? I hope you're not planning on telling her? "Emma said, " What if I do? She will not want to be friends with you anymore! " Marley said," well if that ends up happening I will make sure you and your sister are the most hated people ever! "Emma said," *Sigh* Fine I won't tell Serena anything just please don't ruin my sister's reputation. "Marley said,'' Let's go before your sister gets there and starts to worry that you are in trouble. "Emma said,'' Emma and Marley walk to the cafeteria and make it there just in time to see Serena running down the hallway. 

  There you guys are, you didn't have to meet me at the door. "Serena said," we just were wondering where you were right Marley? "Emma said,'' That's right sis I was starting to get worried . "Marley said,'' I'm sorry sis the history teacher wanted to ask me a few questions about our presentation later today during class. "Serena said,'' OMG I totally forgot we had a presentation in our history class. "Marley said,'' I can tell but are you ok something looks to be bothering you? Serena said,'' I'm ok. I was just surprised that the presentation was today. "Marley said,'' ok... anyway what took me so long was that the teacher was asking me some questions about our project, and I told him he would have to wait until we both explained it. "Serena said,'' I see Ya he won't understand the whole project unless we both explain what we did. "Marley said," why are you guys talking about your presentation now I mean science is your last class right? "Emma said,'' just then the bell rings. ok are you ready to head to class Marley? "Serena said,'' Ya I'm ready to go. "Marley said,'' they start heading to class and Marley looks behind her to see Emma giving her a glare saying watch yourself. Marley are you ok? "Serena said,'' Hun oh Ya I'm fine.. sorry I must be a little nervous for our presentation today. "Marley said,'' Right... ok .. come on we will be late for class! "Serena said,''

   Later that day at lunch Serena and Marley see Emma sitting at a table and she saved two seats for them. HEY guys I got us a table over here! Are you guys ready for the presentation later? "Emma said," Ya I'm ready, a little nervous but ready. "Marley said," There is no reason to be nervous you guy are the two smartest people I know * gages under her breath but continues talking* you guys will nail the presentation today I'm sure of it! "Emma said," are you sure? "Marley said," We got this sis I can guarantee that this will go amazingly. "Serena said," just then the bell rings. So, I will see you guys later. I got to get to a track meet today that will take up most of my 4th hour. What about you? "Emma said," Hmm no we don't have any meeting today, but we have photography and art left today before we have our presentation. "Serena said," while 

  Serena and Marley were walking to class. Wow Marley I'm truly surprised with how much Emma had changed. I thought she would have been rude to you when you said you were nervous. "Serena said,' Ya... that is great, "Marley said," are you ok you don't seem nervous as much anymore than you were before, I also noticed that you looked back at Emma is everything ok? Did she say something mean to you? "Serena said," No she didn't, I'm alright I promise. "Marley said," as they are walking into their fourth hour class. You will tell me if she does, right? "Serena said," Serena and Marley are sitting at their computer editing a picture they took, and Marley asks Serena a question a few min before the bell rings. Hey Serena, could you help me tonight finish my picture? Marley asked," Sure I can do that we have one more class before our history presentation. "Serena said," the bell rings and they walk next door to their next class which was art. 1 Hour Later. Wow I can't believe our art teacher was a sub today I hope Mr. Colton is, ok?  "Marley said," OH YA I'm sorry I almost completely forgot.  "Serena said," Forgot what sis? "Marley said," When I was running to our science classroom to turn in my Essay from two days ago, I took the short cut which passes by the art room right? "Serena Said," The Girls leave the room and start heading towards there last class as they talk. Ya, I Remember the short cut? oh It's the one we take every day, right? "Marley said," That right. But while I was passing by the room, I overheard our teacher talking to the principle. he was saying that he wasn't Feeling well. "Serena said," Oh I see so he ended up going home early, right? "Marley asked," That is correct! "Serena said,"

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