Chapter 5 A Mysterious New Girl.

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One Saturday morning Marley and Serena decided they wanted to go to the neighborhood park. Come on Marley I want to get there before everyone else does. so, we can have some time to swing on the swing set before all the other kids come. "Serena said," I'm coming sorry that took so long I wanted to pack us both a bag before we left. "Marley said," Aww why thank you Marley that was very sweet of you, Hmm feels kind of heavy what did you pack for me? "Serena said," Oh you know some books some snacks an umbrella just in case it rains. "Marley said," nice sounds like you want to do what we normally do. sit at the top of the monkey bars and read." Serena said." well you will do most of the reading I feel like drawing a bit. "Marley said," That is a good idea I will pack my notebook and start writing some more. I have not done that for a while. serena said," That sounds like a good idea what if we tried drawing and writing our story again? Marley asked," that sounds like amazing idea, what happens if we can't find a comfortable place to get our story going again? "Serena asked," well let's go to our normal writing place. "Marley said," do you mean on top of the monkey bars? "Serena said," yeah let's skip swings today and go right on top of them. so, we can have as much time as we can to writ and draw. "Marley said," that sounds like a good idea. Let's head out before it gets any later, " Serena said," 

they both walk out the door and Serena locks the door. they chat while the walk to their neighborhood park.

It's a good thing that we both have keys to the front door. sense the oldest had to work and our other siblings had their part time job. "Serna said," don't forget. Zander doesn't turn 16 for another year he is at home sleeping. "Marley said," that's right I remember telling you that when we woke up because I woke up at 2 am to use the bathroom and saw his light on. I figured he was doing homework. So I went back to bed. "Serena said," oh yeah, I remember you telling me that, but we can't forget that. Lilly must have had a court case today because she was not home. Also, that bennet had to work at the hospital today. "Marley said," Ella must have worked an early shift at space taco today because I remember she went right to bed after dinner. Lucas shift at Pizza planet must have started at 7 because he was gone when we woke up at eight. Teddy must start soon because I heard him wake up as we were leaving. "Serena said," Oh yeah, he must start at 11 because he is just waking up. where does he work again? "Marley asked," Just then Serena phone buzzes. Speaking of Teddy That must be him wondering where we went. "Serena Said," Hey did you two leave the house? "Teddy asked," Yes, we did we just wanted to go to the neighborhood park. "Serena said," alright just want to make sure you guys where safe. have fun and stay safe you both have your pepper gel alarm pod? Teddy said," we will have fun and we have them in our bags. "Serena said," alright just want to make sure stay safe and have a good day i will see you when I get home from work. "Teddy said," alright sounds good have a good day bro. "Serena said," I still can't believe our sibling got us our dream phone. "Marley said," I know i still can't believe I got an iPhone 12 pro with a Courage the cowardly dog case and pop socket. "Serena said," I can't believe that I got a Samson Galaxy Note 8 avatar the last air bender case and a pop socket. 

They arrive at the park to see a girl swinging on the swings she looked to be alone.

Hun she must be new to the neighborhood. "Marley said," should we go and say high?
"Serena asked," No She looks like she wants to be alone for now let's go onto the monkey bars. the girls climb to the top facing the swing set to keep an eye on the mysterious new girl. they start to plan out how they want their future book to go. an hour later they look up from their tablets to see Emma walking up to the new girl. Hey Marley let's put our Tablets back in our bags and jump down I want to make sure Emma doesn't do anything mean to that new girl. "Serena said," that's a good idea sis. "Marley said," the girls pack up their things and jump off the monkey bars. they went towards Emma to Evalynn. Hey there can't you speak? "Emma said," I um I can. "Evalynn said," Oh my she can't speak properly Haha she is stammering so much that I think she is on repeat for those two words Haha. "Emma said," Marley go make sure that she is alright and try to take her back towards the house I will catch up. "Serena said," Hey Emma!  "Marley screamed," Emma looks around to see who said her name. all the other kids at the park stop to watch. or that way works too are you sure you are ready to stand up to Emma? "Serena said," I got this. "Marley said," alright then take the wheel sis you got this. "Serena said," alright I can do this, Marley takes a deep breath. Ok I'm ready make your way over to her. "Marley said," alright sis grab Emma's attention and I will head over to grab the girl. "Serena said," ok oh boy a lot of kids from our school is here I wonder what they will think. Sigh but that is for a later thought. Alright here i go. "Marley said," 

HEY EMMA! "Marley screamed again," Oh my my my why if it isn't little Marley to the rescue ain't that precious! What are you going to do little girl. I don't think much ha i bet you are having second thoughts about standing up to me. Why don't you stop now before you regret it. "Emma said," NO I'm not scared of you anymore Emma, you have mistreated me in the past and I'm not going to let you do that to anyone else! "Marley said," Emma see out of the corner of her Eye Serena and watches her bring the girl over to where Marley and Serena set their stuff. Oh, ain't that cute Marley here was distracting me so Serena can save the day. I bet you are going to take over now hum. "Emma said," Oh you wish I was taking over and don't get me wrong I do want to, but my sister has had enough of your crap! "Serena said," Ooooo. "The Crowd said," Ok If Marley wants to be the little hero, then bring it! I'm not scared of her! "Emma said," YOU KNOW WHAT IM TIERD OF YOU TREATING PEOPLE THIS WAY EMMA YOU NEED TO BE TOUGHT A LESSON! IF YOU WANT TO BE TREATED THIS WAY THEN BY ALL PLEASURE, I SHALL TREAT YOU LIKE CRAP! "Marley said," What do you mean everyone here adores me. do you guys. "Emma said," before the crowed says anything Serena jumps in and helps Marley. You only say that because everyone is scared of you. I bet there are only here to watch what will happen if anyone messes with you. If anyone is not scared of you or is new you must show them what will happen. "Serena said," But that Ends now your reign of terror ends now! You will leave everyone including me and my sister Serena and our new friends alone! "Marley said," Well what does everyone else have to say? I bet they won't stand by your they are all my friends. "Emma Said," We won't follow you we Never liked you! We all only hung out with you because you had some kind of dirt on us the Forse us to hang out with you, but we are all done. "John said," Ya we have Had enough of your torcher and you forcing us to do mean things we were never mean. we feel bad for what we all did to Serena and Malrey! "Jasmin said," Fine you all want to do this then everyone here will regret it! You two may have won today but mark my words Marley and Serena I will get my revenge. "Emma Said," We will see about the Emma. If you do, try anything me and my sister and all our new friends shall be ready. "Marley said," Emma turned and left Angerly. Marley went over to the mysterious girl and sat next to her. Are you ok sis? "Serena asked," I'm alright just needed to sit. "Marley said," We are all going to head home. But me and my sister wanted to thank you two. Because if it weren't for you, we would still be friends with Emma. "John said," Yea all of our friends got trapped because we thought Emma was nice when Emma came to our lunch table. We wanted to ask you guys, but she would not let us we are sorry for how we treated you. "Jasmin said," Its ok we are going to invite our new friend to our house do you two want to come with us? "Marley said," Evalynn looked at Marley with a shocked expression. Yea We wanted to check up on her get to know her makes sure she is ok. "Serena said," that's ok we have to go home and call our big friend group and check on everyone makes sure they are ok but thank you for the offer. "Jasmin said," We will see you later. "Serena said," they turned to Evalynn. So do you want to come over? Evalynn tried to hide her bruises, but Marley saw and motioned to Serena. I think I have to get home my mom gets home at 3 and my dad gets home at 4. but they are going to a hotel this weekend I can come over then. "Evalynn said," ok that sounds good can we get your name first? "Marley asked,"

Sure, It's Evalynn. "Evalynn Said," Well It was wonderful meet you Evalynn if you need anything let us know. "Serena said," What is your mom's name? I'm just wondering if I saw her checking out your house.  "Marley asked," Sure it's Jonee. "Evalynn said," I have heard that name mentioned in the neighborhood. have a wonderful day Evalynn hope we see you at school! "Marley said," thank you friends. "Evalynn said," not a problem Eva. "Serena said," 

they head their separate direction.  

====== Disclaimer in the story the bully (Emma) makes fun of the new girl (Evalynn), but Marley decided she had enough and stood her ground against the bully that picked on her. She tells her to leave Evalynn alone and that she was no longer scared of Emma. she was really brave and she set's an example of how to stand up for one another. ================================

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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