Chapter 4 Games and Talking

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Serena and Marley get home a few minutes before dinner was done. We are home! "Marley yelled, " Welcome back Guys how was your smoothie's? "Zander said," They were good, we left a pretty nice tip for the cashier. "Serena said," Why that was very nice of you guys. "Ella said," Come on guy's dinner is ready we can all have a nice talk while we eat. Zander said," they all go and sit down at the table to eat some dinner. You made our favorite food. "Serena said," Puttanesca, I love that pasta so much... but why did you cook our favorite food tonight. "Marley asked," Well you guys just did a presentation today, so we wanted to treat you. "Bennet said," I see well let's eat up. "Sarena said,"

after they finished dinner Bennet and Lilly sent Serena, Marley, Zander, Ella, Lucas, and Teddy to the living room to choose out a bord game while they clean up the kitchen after dinner. what game should we play. "Marley asked," Not sure maybe apples to apples. "Serena said," or we could play Uno. "Zander said," or we could play clue. "Ella said," or how about we play both Uno and Clue? "Lucas said," That is a good idea! I was struggling to choose what game I wanted to play. "Teddy said,"

Just then Bennet and Lilly come out of the kitchen. Alright guys what game are we playing? "Bennet asked," well we couldn't decide on one game, so we chose three, so we choose to play apple to apples, Clue, and uno. "Marley said," Oh I see well tonight sense it's getting so late we only have time for one game, but maybe tomorrow, I mean it is a school night tonight guys so let's choose one game to play tonight then we can play the rest tomorrow, ok? "Lilly said," alright, "Everyone said," Let's play a quick game of uno then, "Serena said," alright. "Said Lilly," they play their game of uno then Bennet and Lilly send everyone to their room's while they clean up the game. 

Inside serena and Marley room as they are getting dressed

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Inside serena and Marley room as they are getting dressed. I had fun serena I can't believe I won the game usually I lose. "Marley said," well that just goes to show that when you try hard enough or do it enough times you will win once in a while. "Serena said," I know... Hey Serena what do you think Emma is going to do to us on Monday? "Marley said," Hmm I'm not too sure but I don't think she will have the nerve to do it right away I think she is going to be thinking of a plan first. "Serena said," I see... Hmm. "Marley said," What's up? "Serena said," oh it's nothing i was just thinking we have a lot of homework to do. "Marley said," that is true Marley but mind you we have all day tomorrow and Sunday. "Serena said," Ture hmm want to read a book for a bit before we go to sleep. "Marley asked," I would love to but come on Marley talk to me you know I won't judge you I'm here for you. If Emma threatened, you at all more than what I found out I need to know. "Seren said," Sigh yes when you went to our history teacher to turn in our presentation, she said that If I told you the truth about what she was actually saying to me at all that she would know. "Marley said," Yeah but you don't have to face her alone remember I stopped being her friend because she was mean to you. "Serena said," I know but still she said she would make your life a living hell if you stopped being her friend, right? "Marley said," To be honest Marley when I was taking her to the principal's office, I told her straight up. "Serena said," Didn't she tell you that you would regret it that she would try to make everyone hate you? "Marley said," yes but I told her down she thought that I was popular, and everyone respected me and you because I was making them. I said HAHAHA you think I'm popular because I am mean to everyone ha everyone likes me because I'm kind and I care about you Marley. they think it's sweet and kind that I care about you so much. Serena said," well ok but what if she successfully gets everyone to hate us? "Marley said," I doubt it I literally said everyone love us because we have such a great bond. "Serena Said," I know but. "Marley said," enough talk Marley It's time to sleep besides don't worry if Emma tries anything you have me and all of our friends on our side. even the principle like us enough to defend us. "Serena said," I know your right sigh I guess we will just have to wait and see. "Marley said," Yes, we will and besides we will wake up early and get our homework done and then have time to go to the beach or to the park or something fun like that. "Serena said," alright sis goodnight. "Marley said," Goodnight sis. "Serena said,"

They fall asleep to their nice quiet music and their diffuser on their diffuser light's up there room just a little bit.  

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