Chapter 3 Presentations and smoothies

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   I'm Serious Emma after our history Presentation you will leave me and Marley alone! "Serena said" You will regret saying that serena I will make you and Marley's life miserable I will make every one hate you guys and you won't be popular anymore! "Emma said" HA oh my you think that people like me just because I'm popular? Ha people like me because I'm kind and honest and I don't try to make people do mean thing or do what I want! "Serena said," You think People will still like you after I spread a Rumer of something you have done! "Emma said," we will see about that all of our friends won't believe you! let me tell you something. Maybe at your old school you were able to spread a rumor about someone and they may get bullied. But at this school people won't listen to you! We are a school where everyone cares about all of their friends, and they try to make the new student feel like they will have a wonderful time at this school. So good luck trying to spread A Rumer about me and Marley we have been here longer, and everyone know us well by now! "Serena said,"

as they enter the classroom, they see Marley and Mrs. Smith sitting in the classroom talking.   hey Marley, I see you found Mrs. Smith is she ok are you ok Mrs. Smith? "Serena said" I'm doing well thank you for sending Marley to check up on me she is really kind and told me what you two always do I'm glad my husband found girls like you. "Mrs. Smith said" your welcome we made it back just in time to grab our stuff before the bell rings. "Serena said," alright I will go grab my bag first you two stay and talk with the if you want! "Emma said," Fine but I will be glancing every now and then to make sure that you're not trying anything! "Serena said," Serena notices that Emma stuck something in Marley bag, just then the school bell rang and serena and Marley go to get their bags.

  on their way to their last class.  Are you guy's Ready for our presentation? "Marley asked," Ya I am ready oh and Marley I brought some money for a smoothie day do you want to stop at our favorite smoothie place after our presentation? "Serena asked," Sure is Emma going to join us? I mean she can if you want, I can buy my own. "Marley said," No that's ok my parents want me home early to get ready for our family dinner with some close family friends besides serena would like you two to go alone today would be my guess am I right? "Emma asked," that right I wanted to treat you sis because i know you can sometimes be shy when presenting and besides it has been a while sense we have done something together. "Serena said," oh I see makes sense and it would be fun if it was just the two of us anyway what smoothie should we get. "Marley asked," Hmm that is a good question. "Serena said,"

as they enter their last class. let's talk about this more after class oh we should make sure to let our brothers know what our plan is, so they don't worry. "Marley said," just then the bell rings and Serena and Marley take their seats near the window and Emma takes her normal seat. Something seams different between you and Emma did you guy's fight on the way to the principal's office? "Marley asked?" No, we didn't I just told her the truth, "Serena said," What do you mean, nothing happened between us sis. "Marley said," Marley I saw Emma put that note in your bag. "Serena said," oh I see sorry I messed up sis. Marley said," No you didn't mess up sis I believed that Emma could change, and I was wrong she pretended to be nice to you when I was around but when I was gone or away for just a few minutes she was rude to you am I right? "Serena said," Just then the teacher walks in. we will talk about this more while we drink our smoothie's ok sis. "Serena said," ok. "Marley said," with just a half an hour left of class Mrs. Jackson calls on Marley, Serena, Emma to the front of the class to do their presentation. our presentation is on the Mayan culture and about how they built their magnificent temple, the Mayan's where very smart and creative people they had the ability to create magnificent building some you can see to this day, "Serena said," 20 minuets pass, and they finished their presentation. And that was our presentation on the Mayan culture I hope you enjoyed. "Marley said," just then the bell rings and they gather their stuff. Everyone had a great Presentation keep an eye on the portal for your final grade for this project, everyone have a wonderful weekend and we will see you back here on Monday! "Mrs. Jackson said," Emma leaves the classroom first and then after a few people leave Marley and Sarena leave. Hey sis you ready for our smoothies? "Marley asked," oh yeah, I am, is that even a question? "Serena said," Lol I guess not let's go. "Marley said," They leave the school and head for some like it cold smoothie shop.

So mind if I ask what actually happened between you and Emma? "Marley asked," Like I said on the walk to class, I told her down, That note in your bag, I know you saw that note but didn't want to say anything because you where worried what she doing. "Serena said," I see so what exactly did you say to her? "Marley asked," Well that is a story to tell over our smoothies come on the some like it cold smoothie is around the corner. "Serena said,"

  Serena and Marley enter the smoothie shop and walk up to the register

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  Serena and Marley enter the smoothie shop and walk up to the register. Good afternoon girls and how may I help you, "Mindy said," Hi there can we please get one mango Banana smoothie please and one strawberry banana smoothie. "Serena said," alright anything else? "Mindy asked," Hmm do you want anything else sis or are just the smoothies? "Serena asked," Hmm no I think the smoothies will be enough besides our older brother are cooking us a special meal I heard. "Marley said," Oh yeah, I remember now, Ya that will Compleat our order. "Serena said," alright right girls can I get a name please? "Mindy asked," Sure my name is Serena. "Serena said," alright Serena your order comes out to $15.64 will that be cash or card? "Mindy asked," that will be in cash. "Serena said," Serena gives Mindy a $20. you can keep the change as a tip. "Serena said," Why thank you! you girls can wait over there your smoothies will be out In a few Minet's. Serena and Marley find a table. so, Marley can I see that note that Emma left you? Serena your order is ready! "Mindy said," Thank you! "Serena said," Serena walk's over to the table they were sitting at in time so see Marley taking out the note. 

  I see, Hmm so how did you know that Emma put this note in my pocket? "Marley asked," when we were talking to the art teacher I glanced over and saw her putting it in your bag I didn't want to say anything at the time just incase she came with us for our smoothie day, Because I was going to confront her about that and ask her to tell me the truth and if she didn't I would ask you if she has done anything mean to you. You would tell me the truth right? "Serena Asked," I mean yes.. I would, "Marley hesitated," Why did you hesitate when you said you will.. Has she been threatening you? Was she saying that if you told me anything that she would make our lives a living nightmare? "Serena asked," Yes she did and if what you say I true and you told her off told her that you weren't going to be her friend anymore then she is going to make our lives a living... "Marley said," No she wont! she said the same exacting thing she said I would regret ending our friend ship that I would lose all my friends and I wont be popular anymore! "Serena said," Oh I'm so sorry sis I knew this would happen! She will make our lives miserable, and we will lose all of our friends! "Marley said," Hey sis it's not your fault in fact Haha I told her down, like I mean I just told her the truth, we are not super popular because we are mean to everyone and Forse everyone to worship us, She honestly thought that and I just told her the truth how people like us because we are so close, not because we are forcing people to like us, but because we can about everyone and we care about their feelings not what they think. "Serena said," Oh so your not worried? "Marley asked," No I'm not and even if she had the guts to try everyone would always come ask us they know us all to well that we would not spread rumors about other people, Come on we should start walking home it's almost dinner time. "Serena said,"

Thank you, girls have a wonderful day, "Mindy said," thank you we will. "Serena said," Bye! "Marley said,"

They leave the building and start walking home talking about their plan to cope with what Emma is going to try to do.  


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