Chapter 12

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Nichole pov
We are at sky high having fun until I'm pulled into a corner that's hidden i look at my kidnapper it Was Jack "you scared the poop out of me" I say he laughs then kisses me and hugs me "what's that for" I ask "for being here" he says then we go have fun again we all go home and everyone goes to sleep I'm almost asleep when I hear "nichole" jack says "yes " I ask "come with me" he says I get up and look I see a dark figure he holds a hand out I take it and he leads me upstairs "what are we going to do" I ask smirking "you'll see" he says he walks me to his bedroom and lays me on the bed he turns the light off and takes his shirt off and lays down beside me and hugs me. "Jack what are you doing" I say chuckling "Idk I just really like you" he says I turn where I'm facing him I can see his eyes because of the moonlight from the window those piercing ocean blue eyes the ones that will make you melt inside the ones that will make you feel pain instantly the ones where you know when you've hurt him. "Listen Jack I am sorry ok I didn't mean to hurt you" I say "it's ok plus we aren't even dating so it's not like you cheated on me and I get it Matt is one of those boys who can make any girl fall" he says I smile I hug him and snuggle my head into his neck and shoulder "I love you" I say "I love you" he says and we fall asleep (FYi I'm not hating or anything on Matt because Matt is pretty sexy not gonna lie)

I wake up in jacks arms again I love waking up like this. I slowly raise up "No. Stay." Jack says "but Jack 1) I'm hungry and 2) the others will think dirty things" I say "Idc stay." He says he pulls me back down to lay with him I lay there and when his breathing gets a steady light pace I raise back up and get out of bed I walk towards the door when he jumps in front of me. "Where do you think you're going" he asks me "to get food" I say "no stay" he says and pushes me back to bed "stay I'll be right back" I lay there until he comes back in with food he hands me eggs and toast and orange juice I laugh "you didn't-" I start "I want to and hey I make some badass eggs" he says and winks I eat then tell him I'm going downstairs I walk out and go downstairs I see Emilee is up "so what happened last night" she asks smirking " nothing we just snuggled" I say smiling she walks out i walk out to the back porch and see Matt "hey matty" I say " hey" he says we talk for a while we stand there looking. Then I feel two arms wrap around me and pick me up and spin me I laugh soon I'm sat down I turn around and see Jack I look back at Matt and even though he's smiling I can see the hurt in his eyes "Jack can you give us a min" I say "sure" Jack says then he whispers in my ear "I don't care if you kiss " he walks back into the house I look at Matt and his smile is gone "listen I'm sorry Matt I really am" I say no reply "Matt I don't want to hurt you but I'm sorry can we be like really close friends like bro and sis" I say "yea" he says "this is only for goodbye " I say and kiss him he kisses back god I love his kisses we kiss for along time then we pull away and rest our foreheads against each other "I'm really gonna miss that" he says "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say and we hug

Taylor pov
I rely like callie maybe I should go After her before shawn I walk downstairs and see her "hey um cal can I take you out tonight to the peer" I say "like a date" she asks "um yea..." I say looking down "I would love to" she says I look up shocked she gives me a peck on the cheek and walks off wow that was easy I think wait yes I got a date with her I can't wait.

Callie pov
Yay taylor asked me on a date I run upstairs to tell gracelyn I run to where she's sleeping when I walk in her and Gilinsky are making out "OKAY I DID NOT EXPECT THAT IM GONNA GO" I yell and walk out I walk to the living room where emilee us kissing cam "OH COME ON REALLY HOLY COW PEOPLE YOU KNOW WGAT JUST TEXT ME LATER" I yell

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