Eminent Threat

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The words 'Goode Goggles' appeared on a white background, followed by a pair of black goggles that had a purple visor. A blue loading bar appeared at the bottom of the screen as the googles started spinning round, only stopping when the loading process was complete. The googles vanished, and were replaced by a homepage. The person wearing the goggles clicked on 'Stargirl', opening the link.

A tall Caucasian woman with a slim body appeared on the screen. She had blond hair and blue eyes, and had a small mole above the right side of her mouth.

"Brace for light-speed, people. I'm your very own "Stargirl," Courtney Whitmore! And today we're rocketing across the galaxy for another Goode World Studios exclusive interview! We're hanging out with the most transformative young actor in Hollywood! The star of the hit Sci-fi series, Space Trek Thirty-Sixteen! That's right! It's Lieutenant Tork, himself: Garfield Logan!" Courtney announced as she sat in front of Garfield, who was wearing casual clothes and sunglasses.

Gar smiled. "My friends call me Gar." He told her.

Courtney laughed. "Well, just between friends, Gar, I'm dying to know more about a certain special friend you've been seen with: Queen Perdita of Vlatava?" She asked as the viewer Gar and Perdita together, surrounded by paparazzi, who were taking pictures of the couple. The viewer then saw the set again.

Gar chuckled. "What can I say? She's my queen, and I'm her fool-in-love." He admitted.

Courtney giggled. "Aww. That's so sweet!" She said.

Gar nodded with a smile. "Yeah. My brother feels the same way about the woman he loves. They are actually planning their wedding." He said, thinking of Nick and Zatanna.

"Aww, I hope that your brother and his fiance have a great wedding." Courtney said in an encouraging voice. "Speaking of couples, tell the kids at home about how you and Perdita became 'Gardita.' " She requested.

Garfield looked down with a mournful look on his face. "Um, well, it's... it's not a cheerful story. We... We met at a funeral for a... fast friend of ours." He admitted sadly.

Courtney gained a depressed expression. "Oh... I'm so sorry for your loss. But I'm sure your friend would be happy knowing he helped unite the hearts of his two besties." She said in an encouraging tone.

Gar smiled slightly. "My brother, Nick, also helped." He admitted. "He encouraged me to ask Perdita out in the first place." He explained, remembering Nick using his history with Zatanna, to help Gar ask out, Perdita.

Courtney smiled. "You really look up to your brother." She observed.

"I do." Gar agreed with a nod, remembering how Nick and M'gann had saved his life, and gave him his powers when he was 8.

"Well, in the same way that Nick helped unify you and Perdita, you've recently begun a campaign to unify the world in vigilance against a growing threat." Courtney reasoned.

Gar nodded. "As one of the very few openly meta-civilians in the world, I want to raise awareness about Meta-Human Trafficking. Kids our age are being targeted and kidnapped into an underground market for meta-experimentation. So in solidarity, we all have to rise up and fight back! Remember: If you see something? Scream something!" He said, looking into the camera.

Markovburg: July 31: 00:02 EEST

In the facility, Helga watched as Brion's pod was filling with tar.

"Don't do this! Please! No!" Brion called out to her desperately, before he was fully encased in tar as Helga watched.

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