Nightmare Monkeys

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Gar was doing a scene on the show Space Trek 3016. There were 3 actors dressed in purple and black costumes with helmets shaped like clams, 2 of which, that were aiming blasters at Gar, who was kneeling by a body of an actor playing dead as part of the scene. The actors in the clam helmets were called Klamulons

"Your first mistake was killing my friend." Gar informed them.

"That was no mistake, human." The lead Klamulon retorted.

"And there's your second mistake, Klamulon." Gar said, standing up. "I suppose other species all look alike to you." He said as he turned to face them. "But I'm no human. I am Lieutenant Tork of the planet Mars. And you've never encountered anything like me before." He informed them. He then glowed orange, and turned into a gorilla. He pounded his chest, before he charged at the Klamulons. He grabbed the two armed ones and smashed them against each other, disarming them of their blasters. He then released them and punched and them, sending them flying to the ground, one of even landed near the lead Klamulon.

The remaining Klamulon looked up and saw Gar orange again, and change into an elepahant. He released a trumpet and charged at the remaining Klamulon. Gar grabbed the Klamulon with his green trunk and threw him into the bushes behind him.

Gar released another trumpet and glowed orange again, changing back to his human form as he headed back to the body, and kneeling down by it again. Gar and the body were then beamed onto the Engager.

The captain gasped, standing up. "Ensign Valiant?" He asked, surprise to see the dead body.

Gar turned to the captain. "He's dead, Tom." He informed him, shedding a single tear.

Burbank: October 15: 16:16 PDT

It turned out that the scene was being watched by the cast of the show. Garfield was talking to the actor that played that the captain. Gar was wearing a white shirt, with a Bat image on it, and black pants.

The actor was a Caucasian man with black hair and blue eyes. In the late 1970s, his hair was more grayish, and extended past his shoulders. This was for when he played Connor, on Hello Megan. As of 2018, his hair was cut shorter, and had become more brownish. His eyes were now brown. He had also become sturdier. The actor's name was, Paul Sloane.

"Stuff looks really good, Gar. That single tear thing? Genius." Paul complimented dramatically.

"Eh. I've had practice." Gar admitted sadly as he looked down, remembering his reaction to his mom's death.

Gretchen approached them. "Garfield. Paul. The dailies are spectacular. I'm so pleased!" She admitted happily.

"Thanks, Gretchen." Paul said with a smile.

"Yeah, thanks." Gar agreed, also smiling at her.

Gretchen laughed as she placed a hand on Gar's shoulder. "Everyone said I was a sentimental fool, but I knew pairing you two was the smart move." She admitted.

"You handled casting?" Gar asked her, a tone of surprise in his voice.

"At Goode World Studios, Gretchen Goode handles everything." Gretchen admitted proudly. "I wanted ST 3016 to recapture that Hello, Megan! magic," She admitted, raising her hands dramatically. "And that's exactly what you two have done." She added, glancing at Paul, before looking back at Gar.

"Hello, Megan! had magic? It only lasted one season." Gar stated, raising an eyebrow.

"Your mother's show was underappreciated, Garfield." Gretchen said gently. "The chemistry, Paul, between you as Conner Manley and Marie Logan as Megan Wheeler was truly special." She admitted in a heart-felt manner.

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