First Impression

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Atlantic Ocean: December 01: 04:26 EST

At the bottom of the ocean a Reach warship had suddenly started to work again.

The WatchTower: December 04: 19:09 EST

"Okay, Garfield, you called this meeting." M'gann said as Gar stood amongst the Team, as they stood before Nick/Phoenix, M'gann, Artemis, Connor, Kaldur, and Zatanna. Everyone was in their hero uniforms. Nick had his hood pulled down and Artemis had her mask off. Nick and Zatanna were holding each other's hands.

"And I appreciate you hearing me out." Gar told her with a smile on his face. He then looked at Kaldur. "Kaldur, though the Justice League's ranks are divided, you stand centerstage, defending a world seemingly committed to stopping your good works." He praised Kaldur. He then looked at M'gann and Nick. "And, M'gann, with help from Nick, you lead the Team against our adversaries while avoiding the spotlight." He praised them. "Despite all obstacles, you're all making a difference. But something is missing." He admitted.

"I think I can guess where this is going." Nick told his alien self.

"Yeah, me, too." Phoenix agreed with his human self.

Artemis sighed as she shared a look with the older heroes before looking back at Gar. "Okay, I'll bite. What?" She asked.

"A public version of the Team. Young heroes rebelling against the system to fight the good fight in clear view." Gar explained.

"No. We do not put those kinds of targets on our underage heroes. That is what the Justice League is for." Kaldur reminded him, as he narrowed his eyes.

"I think Kaldur is forgetting that we have had a target on our back since we were born." Nick said to his alien self, remembering all the times the Light tried to capture him for Apokolips.

"Yeah, I got that, too." Phoenix agreed with his human self, as he also remembered those times.

"The League can't do what we need, because you're playing on the Light's game board. Have you seen the headlines lately?" Gar asked. Articles popped up on holo-screens behind him. "Lex Luthor's grip on the United Nations. The public fear of meta-humans. Meta-Teen Trafficking. Bad guys like Granny Goodness and Baron Bedlam are capitalizing on all of it. We've lost the hearts and minds of the people we're trying to protect. Demagogues and fear-mongers have caused folks to give up on the heroic ideal, the reason the Justice League was formed in the first place." He explained.

"Great, now I'm thoroughly depressed." Artemis admitted with a sigh, as she looked down before looking back up again.

"Yeah." Nick said in agreement with his blonde sister. His eyes flashed, showing Phoenix's agreement. Nick shared a smile with his wife, knowing that she understood, and Phoenix knew it too. Zatanna smiled back at her husband, comforting him in response. They both then looked at Gar.

"Don't worry. I've gotcha covered." Gar assured them with a grin. "See, we're gonna break the rules the League can't. We're gonna connect with people in ways that can't be blocked by governments. We're gonna quiet the fears of the public terrified by the meta-gene generation. And we'll do it all by inspiring that generation. Because we are them. Raised alongside them in the fallout of a scary, meta-human world, we can be the heroes that empower them to conquer their fears." He informed them proudly.

"That's a great speech, Gar, sincerely, but how's that any different from what the League's trying to do now?" M'gann asked.

"The League and the Light are fighting spin campaigns, and the Light's winning. That's not what I'm talking about." Gar admitted. "Look at this." He said, as a social media post of him standing beside Jaime and Bart in their hero uniforms appeared on a holo-screen. "Without even trying, these actions have generated something organic, something beyond spin," A photo of him standing next to Perdita popped up next. "Something that could never emerge from under the thumb of Luthor or Granny. It's something relatable. It's something we can build on by giving people something they can brand." Angel's selfie with Gar appeared next. "Something they can own on social media. Something that makes them part of the story. We're going to be highly mobile and accessible. And together, we're gonna start a revolution!" He announced. "A small one, anyway." He corrected with a stutter in his voice.

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