Prologue: Your The Best Charlie Brown

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Hey guys you probably know me but for those who don't I'm Charlie Brown. I assume your wondering to yourselves "this kid Spider-Man? Give me a break." Well I say to them I've changed over the years and am who I am now due to learning my abilities, my friends, and family who always supported me throughout all or major parts of my life and an amazing saying that stuck with me for life. "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility." I am here to tell you my origin story and it all takes place back in elementary school third grade when summer break just started.

Flashback Heather's Pov

I was just heading to my bus to head straight for camp when I felt a light tap on my ankle finding a kite on the floor seeing Charlie Brown not far behind "oh hi Charlie Brown" I say sweetly "you remembered my name?" He asked with shock on his face "of course I did" I say smiling "before you go there's something I really need to know why out of all the other kids in our class would you want to be partners with me?" He asked unsure of himself and I have an idea on why he has low self-esteem because some of the kids here treat him horribly so I will start to help him by showing the type of person he truly is and how he deserves to be loved, and respected by all and most of all how much I admire him "thats easy because I've seen the type of person you are" I say sweetly putting my hands together looking at him with admiration "an insecure wishy-washy failure?" He asks sadly as my heart begins to crack in pain emotionally from his words and when I finally return to this neighborhood I vow to be there for him no matter what and save him from his lonely depression and protect him from the kids who torment him on a daily "that's not who you are at all I liked the compassion you showed your sister at the talent show the, honesty you had at the assembly and the dance you were brave and funny" I say while giggling a bit although truth be told I felt very nervous inside. "and what you did for me doing the book report while I was away was so sweet of you" I say in a thankful tone as I notice snoopy aww at us and giggle. "so when I look at you I don't see a failure at all you have all the qualities that I admire!" I say with truth as his smile grows wider and so does the happy warm feeling in my heart as the bus honks twice "sorry I got to go now..." I say akwardly not wanting this moment to end "wait I think this belongs to you" he says showing me my favorite pencil "thank you I've been looking everywhere for this!" I say with excitement while getting in the bus and as I do time seemed to slow down for me as I am thinking I should do one more thing for him to show him my gratitude which makes me blush crazy but I decided to do it as I get off the bus and give him a quick kiss on the lips innocently as we both are blushing crazy "I'll write to you pen-pal" I say finally getting on the bus and heading to the back of the bus so I could wave him goodbye and I feel I finally got Charlie Brown to see what I see. *I hope I can write to him soon* I think to myself as I end up squealing in joy as I ruffle my hair then make a hopeless look. "honestly I often wondered to myself could he ever like a nobody like me?" I say to myself as someone taps my shoulder and I find myself blushing mad fearing she heard me. "what's up?" I ask as she giggles "you got a crush huh?" She says as I cover my face embarrassed that she heard me.

At camp (1 hour and 30 minutes later)

"Sorry about earlier I'm Deanalyn but you can call me Deana for short" the girl says to me as we shake hands. She has dark brown long hair with a thin figure and gorgeous aquamarine eyes "are you here with anyone?" I ask "why yes my brother Will" Deana says as then her brother walks up to us and to be honest he looked rather serious until he arrives. "hey guys!" He says smiling as I am looking at him at first shocked "I assume you thought my Big brother was all serious...well he seems that way at first but when you know him like I do you'll find out he is a softie" Deana says giggling. "yep I get that alot so don't worry about it k umm..." Will says akwardly. "Heather" I say shaking his hand as we head to our camping grounds. "so Deana what do you like?" I ask as she starts talking a bit about herself. "well my favorite color is orange, favorite food is fruit salads, favorite show Abbot and Costello ,favorite movies Abbot and Costello meet Frankenstein ,favorite person is my Big Brother Will but I call him Willy don't tell him that he'll get embarrassed hehe" Deana says as I smile "no worries I won't tell him and thats alot of interests how about a favorite activity?" I ask as she smiles. "I may not look it but I'm into sports and I gotta know that crush of yours" she says giggling as I blush again "uh" I say nervously. "ok Deana that's enough leave Heather be now I'm sure she doesn't like being bugged about it..." Will says calmly "thanks..." I say "no sweat hopefully these idiots are here as well..." Will says in a funny tone "who?" I ask "oh his best friends whom he sees as brothers Brandon, Daniel, and Chris. Brandon and Daniel he grew up with them but a few years later Chris joined that brothers group they call themselves the Red Razors" Deana says laughing as Will laughs to scratching his head embarrassed "come on sis it's a cool group name" Will complains "I agree it is but it's cute" Deana replies back "WHADUP!" we hear a southern like voice say "HEY!" Will says as he runs up to the mysterious skinny guy with blonde hair and they bro hug "let me guess Brandon?" I ask "yep" Deana says smiling "hey idiots" we hear another voice say and his face looks like a babies but it doesn't match his voice at all even if high pitched  "why are you so young looking but sound mature for your age?" I ask confused "I get that alot...and it's just how I am" the boy says "that's my idiot cousin Daniel" Brandon says laughing as Daniel and him start to but heads with eachother "what's good" another kid says in a chill tone "hey Chris!" Will yells as they do a secret handshake and bro hug "what's good man?" Will asks "nothing much just thinking about them tittie sprinkles" Chris says as will facepalms himself "mate seriously these jokes are funny I won't lie but must you say them In public?" He asks "yeah I don't care what people think of me" Chris says as will gives off a defeated mood "I give up..." He says as Deana laughs "is this how they usually are?" I ask "why yes fortunately and unfortunately" Deana says as I start laughing a bit "oh guys this is my sister's new friend Heather" Will Introduces me to them "whadup" Brandon says as we shake hands "hey" Daniel says as we shake hands. Daniel has black hair like Will but a bit less thicker and is around the same height with brown eyes. "what's goodie?" Chris says as we shake hands. Chris looks a bit darker skinned with brown eyes, glasses, and short black hair although he is a bit shorter then the rest of us are "well on to camp!" Will yells running off as his the rest of the Red Razors run with him "when my brother is with them he's all over the place" Deana says as we both are giggling at their childish nature.

(Here is my first drawing of Heather from the Peanuts Movie hope you all like it)

(Here is my first drawing of Heather from the Peanuts Movie hope you all like it)

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