Chapter 1

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Charlie Brown's Pov (currently in highschool June 11th 1963)

I'm walking to school and preparing for more humiliation to come my way but as long as I got my true friends with me I can take on as many failures as the world wishes to throw at me Linus was able to skip his grade and be in the same grade as me and is my number 1 best friend Marcie is a A/B honor role student Schroeder became a genius at music more specifically the piano and classic music peppermint patty is an amazing athlete who can keep her grades at C's which is good for her Franklin is the student council president violet and patty are still snobby but not as bad as they used to be even if they still torment me on some of my failures while Lucy may still be crabby but she supports me with all her strength and tends to knock out anyone who tries to mess with me requiring me and Linus to calm her down as for Frieda she is a very supportive Friend even if still obsessed about her naturally curly hair shermy apologized to me for saying he hated me when we we're younger so he is doing well with his grades as for pigpen he still has dirt follow him wherever he goes but he is quite the expert with paleontology and archeology and as for me thanks to Linus rubbing off his nerdiness onto me we both are major science nerds and truthfully I was able to understand chemistry and biology and a bit of inventing while Linus was an expert on history and technology itself giving me inventor tips if I needed them snoopy my loyal dog always gets into mischief with his imaginative mind al ok ng with his best friend Woodstock the bird and both are always happy to see me when I get home and he even helps me with my inventing and as for my little sister Sally she moved on from her crush on Linus and does well with her grades but she gets bored of school still which I can't fully blame her and as of now I may be satisfied with how my life is going better but I do miss one person and that's the little red haired girl even though we write to each other alot I still miss her because she is the one person who changed my life for good I still owe her my gratitude for turning my life around since then anyways I'm heading to the school building called Birchwood high home of the Roman gladiators with Linus right behind me "you know we got a field trip today right?" Linus asks reminding me "yeah I know I'm SO EXCITED!" I say excited "if my bad luck doesn't follow me that is..." I say a bit sad "don't feel down Charlie Brown who knows this might let your luck fully turn around" Linus says I'm a comforting way as I smile "thanks Linus" I say with happiness as we are having breakfast in our usual group we nickname "The Peanuts" consists of Me, Linus, peppermint patty, Marcie, Lucy, Schroeder, pigpen, Franklin, and Frieda "hey you know there's two new kids coming here today?" Frieda asks us as me and Linus shrug our shoulders while Schroeder just is eating his waffles as Lucy, Marcie, peppermint patty, pigpen and Franklin look at Frieda with curiosity "any ideas when they will arrive?" Linus asks "sometime right before the field trip starts I think?" Frieda says unsure "k thanks though" I say smiling brightly which causes her to blush and look away from me honestly ever since third grade I've been able to become more positive then ever before but I may be wishy washy and I may doubt myself from time to time Im always able to get back up no matter what and my hair has also grown out to be a average length of blonde hair I also am still a fan of baseball and once and awhile football but my passions once more thanks to Linus am into biology and chemistry with inventing along the way as the bell rings me and Linus wave the others goodbye while I notice Marcie and peppermint patty give Frieda a glare to which I don't know why for sure as Linus gives me a smug look to which I shrug it off and head to class with Linus right behind me

1st period biology

The teacher explains to us how she's happy to have us here for the field trip and mentions two new students to be joining us today to which me and Linus both get interested in who they are and one of them is a Hispanic girl with long dark brown hair a somewhat thin figure and a smile and the girl next to her is someone I couldn't believe I'm seeing as it ends up being none other then the little red haired girl herself after all these years I thought only how much she's grown physically with her hair being longer than before a very cute and genuine smile an amazing figure for her age and nice sparkling eyes of hazel I start to space out when Linus starts to tap my shoulder and I snap out of it to see the little red haired girl herself smiling at me with a few tears as she immediately after starts hugging me with passion "CHARLIE BROWN!" she says with joy as I'm left in shock that she remembers me after all this time but I still managed to hug her back smiling with a few tears myself "your...back?" I managed to say as she nods her head and sits next to me with the biggest smile I've ever saw as Linus noogies me and I laugh in return as the teacher tells us to get ready for the field trip as I notice the two bullies Joe agate and Thibaut looking at me with jealousy to which I ignore them and get my notes ready "so your Charlie Brown huh?" The Hispanic girl asks as I nod "yeah um that's me" I say awkwardly "no need to be shy I'm DeannaLynn but you can call me Deanna" Deana introduces as we shake hands "nice to meet you" I say kindly as she says the same thing smiling genuinely

At Oscorp (they live in New York atm but in a country style neighborhood at the borders of New York city in Queens)

We arrive at the building finding it to be extremely awe inspiring when a limo parks behind the bus and none other then the famous Norman Osborn "hello everyone I am Norman Osborn CEO of Oscorp and Osborn industries" he says with a smile waving as me and Linus smile at the once in a lifetime chance "Mr Osborn it is an Honor to meet you in person I'm Linus Van pelt and this is my best friend Charlie Brown we both aspire to become amazing inventors like you!" Linus says geeking out "as aspiring inventors I see you know if you show great potential like my son Harry then Oscorp could welcome you with open arms cause you know...I'm something of a scientist myself" Norman says as he shakes Me and Linus's hand "Dr Curt Connors will be your guide in this tour for I have important matters to attend to enjoy the tour" norm says walking away "can you BELIEVE IT?!" Linus says "I know right we meet the Norman Osborn and he complimented us!" I agree as heather and Deanna giggles at our antics as we both laugh awkwardly "sorry..." I say embarrassed as heather pats my shoulder "don't be it's ok to enjoy what you love to do and talk about" she says sweetly as I smile brightly "thanks Heather" I say genuinely "no problem" she answers as we all head to I believe the genetics part of the building "as you see we have fourteen genetically modified spiders each a representation and a possibly to cure diseases increase metabolism and strength our goal is to make the world a better place and what way to start then by using spiders and there genome as the first step in human evolution who knows what wonders lie ahead although I personally in my lab prefer the lizard Genome code for limb regeneration hopefully it can regenerate my right arm someday when tested properly of course" Dr Curt Connors explains "um sir there are only 13 spiders" I hear Heather say as he looks at one of the habitat's and sees no spider there as he gets his radio out "subject 14 has disappeared please find it as soon as possible " he says "Roger that" the radio says as he puts it away "alright class...I um apologize for this sudden change um please exit the building for this spider is potentially dangerous if left free" Dr Curt Connors warns as I feel something crawl on my hand as then I feel I got bitten "Ouch!" I yell as Heather Linus and Deanna look at me concerned as I smile awkwardly while scratching the back of my head with the hand I got bitten at and act like nothing happened as Linus Deanna and Heather especially give me a look of worried but don't say anything as I sigh wondering what that was as I look behind me and see a spider run off but I couldn't tell what kind it was but i hope it wasn't a venomous or deadly species

15 to 30 minutes later back at class

"Hey Charlie Brown you ok you seem pale?" Linus asks as I shrug and start feeling sick all over "I don' well... Linus" I say as I tumble and fall except I didn't fall only to land in Heather's arms "hey take it easy" she says soothingly as I nod and black out but if I wasn't feeling sick out of nowhere I would be a blushing awkward mess right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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