Chapter 7

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Hello everyone! Guess what?

*drumroll please*

I'M BACK! Yes, yes, and yes. I know that I haven't updated in a while...

So you might be wondering "What the heck motivated Cassie to update again?"

Well, here's the answer: A nice comment.

I want to give a shoutout to DarkCloudsHERE for commenting, and following me. It honestly means a lot when I get positive encouragement from y'all. I just wasn't feeling super great today, but when I logged onto my email, my mood switched because of this one comment. It goes to show how something small for one person can mean the world for another. 

One more thing, should I or should I not write a chapter in Puck's POV? Tell me by private message, or in the comment section below. I would love to hear your opinions on this.

I'm going to stop blabbing now, and just get on with the story. Enjoy!


Sabrina POV:

"Earth to Puck?" Waving a hand across his face, I brought him out of lala land.
"Hu-huh?" Puck jolted back to attention, suddenly nervous and slightly stuttering.

I raised an eyebrow. It wasn't normal at all for Puck to stutter. Passing up an opportunity to tease me was already weird enough, but him stuttering? That was another thing entirely.

I shrugged it off, hoping to also ward off the uncomfortable feeling that was in the atmosphere.

"Anyways, back to what I was saying earlier. That is a brilliant idea." I gave Puck a smirk, and a supportive thumbs-up, hoping that I could bring back the regular Puck that teased me every day. Although I had no idea of what had just come over Puck, I did know one thing, I didn't like this feeling. 

Puck scratched his neck and flushed a bit.

"Thanks, I guess," He muttered, looking slightly embarrassed. "But if anybody asks, that was my idea and not yours."

Phew. There was the Puck I knew.

"Sure, sure, whatever you say. But what we need to do now is figure out an Operation Title." I rubbed my hands in anticipation. One very nerdy thing about me, that almost no one knows, is exactly how much I love spy business. One of my favorite things about playing spy games is creating a name for my make-pretend mission.

"How about {Puck is So Much Cooler Than Sabrina}?" Puck grinned, so hard that his gums showed.

"How about no? Maybe we can name it something cooler like {Tree House 10}?" Being quite proud of myself for thinking up such a good name, I jutted my chin out and sat up straighter.

"Hey, that's actually not bad..." Puck seemed to consider the idea for a moment.

"Ok, now that the name is settled, we have to actually start planning," I said sensibly, pushing up some invisible glasses.

"Oooooo, I'm quite liking the sexy teacher thing you're working on." Puck wiggled his eyebrows, obviously trying to tease me.

"Oh shut up. There is so much to be done, and way too little time." I was determined, and finally on a roll. I wasn't going to let anything stop me now.


*Time skip 1 Hour*

"Ughhhh." I groaned absolutely exhausted, and completely brain dead.

A similar sound of annoyance came from beside me. Puck was obviously just as put out as I was. We had spent a whole hour here trying to come up with some ideas on where to get supplies, and the humidity was really getting under my skin. 

I got up from my position on the dirt and dusted leaf litter off of my shirt.

"I'm going inside to make some lemonade. It's way too hot outside here, and I am absolutely brain dead." I declared with newfound determination.

"Fine, I'm going to try and stay out here and keep thinking." Puck sounded a bit resigned.

"Alright, you do you, but just know that I'm not going to be making a lemonade for you too," I said. I was pretty sure that it would do the trick, and like I predicted it really did.

"Wait for me! I'm coming!" Puck got up and jogged to where I was standing.

I sighed and shook my head, with that, we headed up to the house. As we were walking back up the small hill, I realized that Puck's hand was brushing up. against mine. I jumped back startled. 

"What's wrong?" Puck asked with visible confusion in his eyes. It almost seemed as if there was a bit of hurt in his voice too.

"Nothing." I shook my head to get rid of the thought and told myself to calm down. 

I turned back to the house, and kept walking, leaving Puck a few steps behind me. 

Maybe it was for the better that he wasn't so close to me.



I'm so excited to write the next chapter... *Hint, Hint*

By the way- I know that you guys can't see me right now -but for your information, I am raising my eyebrows.

Remember to do the usual;  Comment, Share, Follow, Vote, and all that stuff.

I love you y'all!

(p.s. More updates will be coming soon)


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