Chapter 4

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As you can see, I have decided to *try* to keep working on this fanfic. Please do keep in mind that I haven't worked on fanfics in a while, and have gotten a bit, let's say, "rusty"?


Remember that I love constructive criticism, but hate comments are just plain mean.

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*Sabrina is in her bedroom rn, working on something. It's currently 10 p.m. right now*

Sabrina Pov:

I am so freaking tired right now. At this point, my brain feels completely numb and unable to function anymore.


Daphne's 10th birthday is coming up very soon, and I know it's really important to her, and I want it to be really special.

The problem is...I can't think of anything original, or unique and special. On top of that, today has been a long day. Puck woke me up at 4 a.m. once again, yelling and cursing at me for his puberty and whatnot, complaining that I had given him some "human virus".

Then after his fit, I had intended on going back to sleep, but with Puck's howling and screeching, both Red, and Daphne had woke up. Daphne and Red had decided it would be a nice idea to throw a party- right then and there-with their stuffed animals. I am pretty sure they are insane. I mean what 9-year-olds would throw a party at 4 a.m.? So, as any normal person would, I went over to their room and politely asked them to knock it off.

So, it happens that "Mr. Deandre de la Tunerio" (a teddy bear), was celebrating his 7th birthday with them. So, then again, I asked them like any sane person would, why the heck were they throwing a birthday party for a teddy bear with a ridiculously fancy name at 4 a.m?! Then, they supplied me with some long backstory about "Mr. Deandre de la Tunerio"'s parents and how he was born, and how this was a ritual, and other stuff.

Anyways, enough about that. The main point is, I didn't get to sleep after that. So, now I am absolutely worn out and exhausted. Add frustration and an "idea block" to the mix? It's not exactly a piece of cake.

Narrater Pov:

Sabrina was slumped at her desk, slightly leaning over the blank white poster paper she was using to jot down her ideas, which she currently had none of, on.

Her eyes were starting to droop, and she let out a massive yawn.

"Just ten minutes, and I'll go back to brainstorming. Just ten minutes. Just ten minu-..."

*Time Skip To Next Morning, 4:28 a.m."


Sabrina's eyes jolted awake. When she saw it was Puck, she shut them again, and forcefully shoved her head under her pillow, with her arms over her head.

"Shut up stinkpot..." She groaned, she had NOT slept well.

Sometime at 1 a.m last night, she had woken up to find herself drooling at her desk, and slowly shuffled herself to her bed. She flopped on, and fell asleep right then and there, with all her normal clothes. Meaning she hadn't brushed her teeth, showered, or did anything to get ready for bed.

Sabrina was exhausted from the lack of sleep these past few days, and was fed up at Puck who awoke her every morning at 4 a.m. It was as if he was her personal alarm o'clock, but instead of beeping or ringing he woke her up by screaming curse words at her. Sabrina quite literally believed that if this happened one more time, she would absolutely lose it.

"PUCK. Go back to your room. I didn't sleep well last night. At all." Sabrina could hear an edge of insanity starting to creep into her voice.

"Yeah. I can tell. You look like a panda, who got electrocuted. Wait a sec, I'll be back in two minutes." Grunted Puck, who had seemingly calmed down.

"Huh. Maybe he gave up on yelling at me? Or did my method of trying to not fight back work?"

Whatever it was, Sabrina was definitely grateful for the sudden peace and quiet.

Then Puck slammed open the door and held up an old fashioned camera at Sabrina and said in a teasing voice:

"Say cheese for the camera!"

"I should have known better, Puck just wants to make fun of me."

Sabrina covered her face with one hand and with the other, she tried to cover the lens of the camera but failed quite epically.

"Puck. Actually, stop. I am getting really mad at you. If you don't stop I'll let my fist kiss your ugly face." Sabrina continued to mutter threats and tried to, but failed at covering the camera lens.

Puck grinned back. He knew he was frustrating her, and he loved every moment of it.

*Time Skip To 9 a.m.*

Sabrina slumped down the stairs, and almost tripped on the last step. She dragged her feet to the barstools by Granny Relda.

"Good morning Granny," Sabrina grunted a far from proper greeting

"Good morning to you to Liebling! How's the party planning going?" Granny Relda asked cheerfully.

For a second Sabrina considered telling her a white lie but decided to tell her the truth, as she could probably tell from Sabrina's raccoon-like appearance that she was lying.

"Awful. I spent a whole two hours last night trying to brainstorm, but I came up with nothing." Sabrina replied, feeling more discouraged than ever before.

"Maybe you should go to Puck for some advice!" Granny turned around from the stove and winked at Sabrina.

Granny Relda had been winking concerningly often these past few days- to the point where Sabrina thought Granny might have to go check out her eyes for any signs of irritation and infection.

Sabrina opened her mouth about to say "No.", but then saw Granny's hopeful face beaming back at her, and managed a short "Fine." instead.



*Virtual //hug// to the people who believed in me!*


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See y'all soon on the next chapter!


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