Chapter 8

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Walking a few paces ahead of Puck, I reached the screen door first. Sliding my hand onto the handle, I yanked it open.

"After you, m'lady," I bowed with as much fake bravado as I could muster.

Puck snorted and gave a curtsey back. He stomped right in, not bothering to take off his shoes, leaving muddy prints as evidence. I squatted down to slide mine off. Looking up from my position on the floor, I glared at Puck as I was untieing my laces.

"What's the attitude for?" Puck said, feigning innocence.

"Don't patronize me. Take off your shoes, Daphne and I just vacuumed the carpet yesterday." Getting up from the floor, I dusted my scuffed jeans off. Coated with mud and leaf litter, they had definitely seen better days.

*Time skip to kitchen*

"I found the lemons!" Puck announced, looking very proud of himself.

"Good job," Reaching up, I patted his head. I read somewhere that rewarding positive behavior worked effectively on toddlers. Puck may not look three, but his maturity is nowhere near his age.

Puck turned a violent shade of red. Smirking, I continued teasing him.

"Oh, do you want a candy too?" I used my best baby voice and pretended to fuss over him.

"Shut up," Puck grunted, barely audible as he went from crimson to an inhuman shade of purple.

Chuckling at my brilliance, I took the lemons from him and rinsed them off. Placing the lemons down, I looked for the towels designated for the kitchen. Noticing that it was missing, I frowned. Odd... Is it laundry day?

"Oi Puck, go get a paper towel or something to pat these dry," 

"On it, ma'am!" Saluting, Puck stretched his arms and flew off in search. Shaking my head, I shook my hands dry and placed the wet lemons onto the counter for the time being. Puck flew back only moments later with toilet paper rolls in his hands. 

"Ew!" I scrunched my nose up.

"What? It's clean! It took me a while to find these." Puck exclaimed as if using toilet paper for drying lemons was a totally normal thing to do.

"TMI Puck, TMI." Sighing, I leaned back against the kitchen counter.

"Guess we are just going to have to wait then." Puck plopped himself down onto one of the barstools. 

We just looked at each other, and I could swear time stood still for a minute. The warm afternoon light danced across the kitchen tiles and through Puck's golden curls. At that second, he almost looked like an angel. Puck smiled, and I was pretty sure I was blessed for life.

"So... Are we going to talk, or are you going to keep staring?" Raising an eyebrow at me, Puck's smile turned to a smirk.


I flushed bright red and struggled to find an explanation.

"Uh- I... I wa- was just... thinking about how ugly you are. Yup. Very ugly." Not going to lie; it sounded like I was more so reassuring myself than defending myself. Inwardly I cringed.

Upon hearing that, Puck's smile dropped. To my surprise, it almost seemed as if he was disappointed. 

Wait what? Disappointed?

When I blinked again, his smirk returned. As if he had never changed his facial expression. Thinking not much more of it, I cleared my throat.



I'm so excited to upload the next part, I'll let u guys know when I do!


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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