Leaving With No Goodbyes

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Warning! Very sad owen!, Drinking, yelling/screaming, overthinking

Owens Pov:

" They left?. But its almost Christmas? And they just leave!? I thought we were gonna be friends forever! And they Lie to me!? What did I Think.. Demon's wanting to be friends with A dumb human.. " i started crying while sitting against the tree where we had carved our Letters into the tree." thought friends were gonna be there forever.. " what did I do? We swore! We swore we would stay together No matter what guess im overthinking.. Who would be friends with me anyways" i left crying to go back to My house before going to train again.

" OWEN!?" My father yelled. My eyes were red after crying and I knew what was gonna happen. I ran up to My room and Locked it quickly before I heard My father hitting the door and Yelling at me. The most words i never wanted to hear. I just wanted to be good enough. I never asked to live this life. I never wanted to go to war against My friends.. Could i Even call Them friends anymore? Stop overthinking Owen. I started to calm down as I took on My headphones to keep out the Yelling from My father.. I layed down in My bed ending up falling asleep to the music.

- next morning 5am -

I woke up. I Saw i had My headphones on giving me a flashback to what happened yesterday. I got up and knew My father wasnt home today as he was out drinking with his dumb friends again. If only Mother was here. After she died by a demon My father hasnt been himself. He started drinking and coming home late. But I understand.. Hes scared of losing more People so the drinks the pain away. I went downstairs and thought " if i Maybe make apo and Rasbi something Maybe they'll forgive me for what i did.." i made a pie and made them a scarf of their favourite color! Plus a friendship bracelet.. I Mean it is Christmas.

I go outside with the stuff and place it under the tree we had our names craved in.
" i better write a note" Owen Runs inside and writes a note forgetting theres so much Wind the note would fall off. He signed it and read it threw " Merry Christmas apo and Rasbi, i Hope you Guys understand that i have left but got you Guys some gifts! I hope you can forgive me and I Will miss you Guys and stay safe! - Dear Owen" He put the note on the gifts but as he left cause He had to go to camp for war.. The note fell off the gifts and was laying in the snow

Rasbi's Pov: Apo! Im gonna check if Owen is there! And I start running over to the forrest and didnt like the sign of the snow it was to Cold. I stop as I see the gifts and pie i Look around confused until i see a small note in the snow. I read the note and start crying as I start running back to apo while crying My eyes out.
Apo Runs over to me " Holy Rasbi Are you okay?" he said calmly but still trying to comfort.
I Cry while giving him the note so he could read it himself and when He finished He cried and we just Sat Hugged trying to forgive ourselfs for what happened. We calmed a bit down and just Hugged each other before going to the tree.

No one Povs: They walked over to the tree to see the pie and Gifts. They opened the gifts and they both took on the bracelet they got and put the scarf on their arm. As they Hugged and Ate the Pie together while Putting a piece down that supposed to be Owen's..

(And thats it for this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! And I hope it wasnt that sad:') well get excited for the next one words used: 671))

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