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Kink- Bondage (You will be the one tied up)

Pairing: Aizawa x Black Reader

If you don't like a kink just skip to the next oneshot. Please DO NOT kink shame this is a safe place and I will block hate comments. ALSO, if you have a problem with the fact that I only make black reader/black yn stuff (including chubby black reader) then here's the 🚪. Anyways hope you enjoy 🥰

After date night you both make it back home. When you arrive Aizawa slowly opens the bedroom door revealing an abundance of adult toys.

"Wait Aizawa. What is all this?", you say looking around.

"Hm? It's a surprise .You did say you'd let me do whatever I want to you today right?"

Grabbing your waist, Aizawa begins to place gentle kisses on your neck. His facial hair tickling your skin

"Yes, I did. I'm just a little surprised at how much stuff there is"

"Does that make you nervous?", He ask as he continues attacking your neck with kisses

You lean your head to the side giving him more access.

"Mmmm makes me excited"

Hearing your moans sends Aizawa over the edge. He begins grinding his hard member against your butt and bites at your neck. In response your moans become louder

"Zawa you're teasing me on purpose aren't you....Please hurry", you beg with a breathy moan.

Removing his mouth from your neck he says, "No can do Kitten. I want to explore this body of yours thoroughly today. So you'll have to be patient"

Pulling a red blindfold out of his pocket, Aizawa places it over your eyes, careful not to mess up your hair as he ties it

"Get ready Kitten"

Before you could even respond, Aizawa picks you up throwing you on the bed. The next thing you know his lips are on yours...tongues wrestling against each other.

'Damn with the blindfold on I don't know what he plans to do next....It's making my heart race with anticipation'

Your back begins to arch as he trails his fingers gently across your skin. His fingers occasionally pinching and flicking your sensitive nipples causing you to buck your hips.

"What a naughty kitty grinding up against me like that. Do you want me to pay attention to you down here?"

Trailing his right hand down your side he makes his way to your thighs, "Spread your legs for me"

Without a second thought you do as you're told.

"Mmm...looks like someone's wet", he says as he runs his fingers through your wet slits.

"All I did was touch you a little and you're already this excited?"

"Shouta please", you say with a whimper.

"I guess it can't be helped. I can't leave my beautiful wife in this state now can I"

Sliding his index and middle finger past your lips Aizawa grazes your clit making you flinch


Satisfied with your reaction, Aizawa smirks and starts to rub your clit; pinching and pulling at it gently whilst moving his fingers in a circular motion...making sure to lick and nibble at your nipples. Only to pull away after a few minutes.

"Shou", your voice coming out in a low whimper.

"Shh. Don't worry I'll be making you feel good again soon", He sits you up and you feel something slinking around your body

Slightly puzzled you think to yourself, 'What is he doing? Wait is this.....'

"Zawa is this your scarf?"

"You figured that out pretty quickly Y/n. However it's different than the one I use for work. I had this one made specifically for this. The color looks even better than I imagined against your gorgeous skin."

Leaning down he whispers seductively in your ear, "It's going to be a little I hope you can take it". His voice oozing dominance. When finished he steps back to admire his work.

Aizawa hums in satisfaction noticing how the red scarf goes beautifully with your melaninated skin and how the rope harness design complements your body well

"I thought I'd take my time and tease you longer, but seeing you like this has pushed me over the edge"

Hungerly licking his lips Aizawa's eyes scan your breath taking figure.

'It's really quiet...I wonder what he's doing'

Moments later there's a creak on the bed

Aizawa then suddenly starts to lay you back down. This time spreading your legs himself. He leans over giving you one more passionate kiss before lining himself up at your entrance. Slowly at first, he slides his cock into your warm wet core

You immediately clench around him letting out soft mewls and moans, "Ah...ngh."

"You're going too slo- Ah!", you were cut off by him basically slamming the rest inside. Each thrust sending shivers of ecstacy down your spine

"Fuck! Shouta I'm gonna cum!"

Groaning in response he replies, "Go ahead....Fuck! You feel so good Y/n"

His thrust become irregular and his breathing hinches. Both of your moans mixing together echoing through the room. Two or three thrust later you give in to the pleasure...cumming all over his dick.

The sudden tightness proves to be too much for Aizawa causing him to cum as well....releasing his hot seed inside...painting the deepest part of your walls. Leaning down again, Aizawa removes your blindfold and kisses you passionately

"I love you Y/n"

"I love you too"

Anime Kink Oneshots x Black Reader Where stories live. Discover now