Marking (part 2)

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Obviously this is a Sukuna oneshot...even though I am a hard-core simp for this man...he is who he is. Please do not expect me to write him as a sweet caring man (at least not in this oneshot) because again that man is who he is and I will try to write true to his character. Please read at your own risk. I hope you enjoy! Oh, also the art above is not mine. I however am an artist and will let you all know if a drawing/animation/painting I post on here is mine.

"On my knees? You have to be joking...and what are you even talking about? No one's been flirting with me."

"Oh? Come on Y/n don't play dumb. You can't possibly think you can make me believe you haven't realized Satoru's been making passes at you..."

His grimace turning even more sour as he leans further back in his throne, "...Now be a good pet and get on your knees. I wont be as kind as to use my words next time."

You hesitate for a second, taking a moment to think over what to do. While doing so, Sukuna's smirk returns whilst watching your eyes dart around his domain in thought. He loves the fact that you never out right obey or fear him. His infatuation for you seemingly growing by the second. He was obsessed with you...finding himself not able to get enough of your unruly and unpredictable personality.

Even though he loved it, Sukuna has no plans on going easy on you. Like he just stated...he won't be using his words next time. Standing up from his throne, Sukuna makes his way over to you. Noticing him coming in your direction you instinctively get into fighting position, causing the King of Curse to let out a twisted chuckle in response.

"Hmm? You plan to fight me do you? Interesting!", he says now behind you bent next to your ear.

You quickly wip around to face him only to find him nowhere in sight.


Before you can relocate him you feel a hard tug at your arm; sending your body to collide with something.......hard? To your surprise you were now buried face first in his chest.

"Shame...I was hoping you'd put up more of a fight. That was over too quickly don't you think?"

"Shut up! Let me go."

Slightly tugging your hair back he causes you to strain to look up at him. "Well well don't you look pretty like that. I can never get tired of that challenging look in your eyes....however I'd rather see your face contorted in pain and pleasure. So why don't we have a little fun?"

Flashes of your dreams begin to flood your mind causing your body to heat up and for your pussy to throb.

Even though Y/n curses, fights and challenges Sukuna with all she has...she'd be lying if she said those dreams didn't leave her curious, longing and aching for that type of attention from him. Y/n wanted to know just how good he'd make her feel, but she still didn't plan to give herself up without a fight. If he wanted her he needed to prove he deserved her for Y/n wouldn't allow him to dominate her if she felt like he didn't.

With a sly smile you respond, "And if I refuse?"

'She still doesn't plan to give up I see.', licking his lips in satisfaction, he continues his thought, 'That'll just make it an even more delicious sight when I finally have her crying up under me'

"You talk big, but it looks like you want to surrender. I wont be going easy on you Y/n nor do I plan to just chat with you like I do when I usually summon you here, so it's best that you be honest. We'll both get what we want that way."

"What is it that you think I want?"

Letting out a sigh and a cackle he replies with, "Playing dumb again are we? That longing look in your eyes gives you away. You want me. Don't you?"

That knowing look he gave you sent chills throughout every fiber of your being. It was getting harder and harder to resist the temptation seeing as your body was melting like butter at the slightest touch and gaze from him. You wanted to know so bad the things this man would do to you...the promise of fatal pleasure luring you in, turning on a switch you just recently discovered you had.

Increasingly falling apart at the seams your only thought now is, 'I want him to devour me....I want to be dominated by him'

Noticing the anticipation eating at you, Sukuna shoves you to your knees, mushing your face into his erect cock. You let out a low whimper in response signaling to him that you've finally surrendered. Your now docile demeanor making it seem like you're a completely different person. Sort of as if you'd never have a assertive bone in your body, but make no mistake Sukuna knew better...he knew that this person before him and the one that stood their ground earlier were unmistakably the same person. Which made this all the more delectable to him.

"That's a good girl. Now suck it. And as punishment for not following orders when I first gave them to you, I won't allow you to cum until I say so. I hope you're ready my cute little pet"


That's all for pt 2. I'll be publishing pt 3 soon so I hope you enjoy that as well. Anyways ttyl my Goddesses ❤

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