Marking (pt3)

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Hey yall ik it's been a while but here's the new part to the Marking series. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments 😊
Art at the top ^ is not mine


Moving the fabric of his robe to the side, Sukuna reveals his throbbing member. It smacking you right in the face, "Now be a good little slut and open wide. If you so much a graze me with your teeth I'll make sure you won't like the consequences."

Doing as you're told....for now at open your mouth, feeling the uncomfortable stretch and pull at the corners of it, as Sukuna fills you up.

With a groan he grips your hair as he slowly slides in his extraordinary length. "That's it. Good girl. Look at you being so good for me. Now take it all."

Your eyes begin to tear as you feel a strong gag coming on, 'he's too much. My mouth already hurts and he still has a few more inches to go'. Feeling a bit overwhelmed you try to pull your mouth away, only to feel stinging at your scalp.

"No can do Y/n....don't run from me. I said take it, so you'll take it, understand?"

With a shaky breath out through your nose, you nod with his cock still in your mouth, letting the King of Curses know you understood.

"Good girl. Now make sure to get it nice and wet, so I can slam it into that pretty pussy of yours."

After what seemed like forever, he finally got all of it in. You were hoping he'd give you a moment to adapt and maybe catch your should've known better. Whilst looking at the messed up look on your face, Sukuna slowly slides his hips back, only to snap them back with a force you weren't prepared for...and with a rhythm you were just as equally not ready for. Your eyes widen and your hands fly up to his hips in a desperate attempt to slow him down, but it doesn't work. Words now oozing from your mouth in the sound of gags as you try to ask him to take it a bit easy. Your sloppy pleas go unheard.

A few minutes pass, the assault of your mouth and throat not stopping. At this point drool is running down your chin and neck, some making its way to your breast. You were full of him; your throat seemingly stretched beyond it's limits, but you loved every bit of it. You'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't like how ruthless he was being. Unfortunately the fullness was gone way too soon as he pulls out of you.

"My Pet, you look so pretty like this. Now answer me....who is it you belong to?"

For a second you thought of telling him what he wanted to hear, what you wanted to say, the thing you've been wishing for. But after getting a taste of his brutality, you wanted more and the perfect way to get it was to piss him off.

" I belong to no one...hmm well actually if Saturo were to-"

Your sentence was cut short. Enraged he drags you over to his shrine. The grip he has on your arm almost unbearable.

'Shit...maybe I went a little too far...', you think to yourself as you're literally thrown onto a mess of pillows, once pass the double doors.

You try to speak in hopes to make your consequences less severe, but he doesn't respond. For he can no longer hear's only hot boiling rage.

Ripping your clothes to shreds, he tosses the useless fabrics aside. A deep possessive growl escaping his chest as he looks over your now naked body. Feeling too exposed you try and cover yourself with your hands, only to have them quickly ripped away. "DON'T cover yourself. Behave pet. I WONT say it again." You nod in response...not quite sure if he even waited for your answer. Your body shakes in anticipation as he looks down at you hungerly, whilst trailing his hands across your flesh...his nails digging in slightly, causing pain to kiss at your skin. Blood begins to trickle slowly at the places of broken flesh. Leaning down he licks and laps it up; making sure not to miss even a single drop of the red nectar beading across your beautiful melaninated skin. You're his...and he won't let you say otherwise, even as a joke. Sukuna knows you know that you're his, but the fact you didn't say it angers him. He wants the satisfaction of hearing the words string themselves together, as they pass through those luscious lips of yours. And he won't stop until he's made himself clear and until you verbally admit it. Gripping your thighs and pushing them back to meet your chest, he begins to expose your dripping sex. Your beautiful pussy clenches as it feels his gaze. Wanting so badly to be full of him. Sukuna lines himself up but pauses to lean down and bite your thigh, causing you to winch at the pain. Satisfied with the sound you made he goes back to lining himself up. Once his tip pushes past your folds he slams the rest in. Surprised you let out a pained squeak, 'He's not gonna take the time to prepare me?! He's too big...fuck!'

Yet again he doesn't give you time to adjust. Immediately beginning to thrust in and out of you at an aggressive pace. Thankfully it doesn't take long for the pain to subside, your body now flooded with both pain and pleasure equally. You feel as though you'll lose your mind soon. The sounds of skin slapping, squelching noises, pleasured filled groans and even the sound of your constant mewls and moans...echo off the walls of the shrine. You were so dazed you didn't even notice the growing amount of wounds cascading along your skin. He was marking you, so that the world knew who you belonged to. His teeth biting at different areas of your skin, leaving light bruises in their wake. He continues torturing you like this for hours. Throughout it all you both have switched to many different positions and at this point you have become aware of the many marks on your skin claiming ownership of you. You've lost count of how many times you've came, and as another orgasm creeps up on you, you scream out in exhausted ecstasy. Your body no longer being able to hold itself up, you fall ontop of him. You wait a bit for your body to stop twitching. Once it does you try to raise your hips in hopes to let him slide out of the area where you're still connected. Gripping your hips tightly, Sukuna slams you back down causing you to quiver and clench around him.

"Kuna...I can't take anymore...please let me take a break at leas-", you weren't able to finish. Gripping your face to look up at him, he glares down at you. "Who do you belong to Y/n. I want to hear you say it."

Sighing in defeat a smile graces your features. You had hoped to tease him a bit more, but you feel like he deserves to hear you're just simply too exhausted to face any further punishment for not vocalizing what you both knew to be the truth. "It's you.....I belong to you Ryomen Sukuna....and I always will." Pleased with your response, he pulls out as you wished. Wrapping his arms around your body he whispers in your ear. "Good girl Y/n. Now sleep my pet." Almost as if you were following a command your eyes begin to close and your conscienceness starts to slip away as exhaustion takes over you. The last thought you have before letting sleep take you was about how sore you'll be tomorrow.

Next up...Itadori (Aged up)

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