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Kink - Nylons

Pairing: Mirko Rumi x Black reader


You two are at a night club hanging out with Hawks, fatgum and Mic.

For the past 10 minutes Mirko hasn't stopped rubbing your thighs under the table. You shoot her confused glances as you watch her hand slip up and down.

"Rumi what are you doing?"

Leaning her head on her free hand she smiles at you and says, "Sorry I just can't help it. Seeing my beautiful fiance in these nylon stockings has gotten me a bit riled up"

'I forgot these trigger her kink. If she keeps doing this here though one of the guys will notice'

As you were thinking that, Mirko slips her hand under your skirt, making her way to your crotch area...rubbing you slowly through the stockings.

"How about we go to the bathroom?", she questions...her eyes gleaming with desire.

You chuckle at her completely loving the look in her eyes, "Pfft you're acting like you're in heat. But sure I don't mind. Only if it's a quickie though."

Getting closer to her ear you continue with, "We can have our real fun once we get home"

A shiver rolls down Rumi's spine as your seductive voice smoothly cascades over her ears.

"Guys we'll be back"

"Okay! Take your time."

♡In the bathroom♡

Once in the stall Mirko pins you against the wall kissing you hungerly. Your tongues wrestle against each other...pants and moans mixing together ringing through both of your ears.

After a few moments you break the kiss, "Did you bring it?"

"Yep right here in my purse"

While she digs it out you face the wall and begin to take off your clothes when suddenly Mirko stops you.

Grabbing your chin and turning your face towards hers, she looks you in the eyes and places a gentle peck on your lips, "Don't take them off. Just lift your skirt up a bit."

You nod and turn back around, lifting up your skirt just enough to expose more of your stockings.

"Can I rip a hole in them?"

"Mhmm", you say with a small nod.

"Great! I'll try not to make it too big."

As she rips at the fabric you feel yourself becoming more and more needy. Looking over your shoulder at her you let out a whine, "Rumi, please hurry."

Mirko freezes for a moment as the second shiver of the night races down her spine. She just doesn't understand how her lover can be so damn irresistible. Placing the tip of the strap-on dildo against your now exposed pussy lips. Mirko lines herself up.

"Alright here I go. Let me know if I'm too rough"

Mirko jams the dildo inside your core, completely bottoming out. The sudden fullness causes you to moan.

"Mmm! Fuck!"

"Shh...try not to be so loud Y/n. If someone comes in they'll hear"

"I-I can't...Ngh! You keep hitting my g-spot"

Mirko smiles softly and kisses your neck in response.

"Well I guess we'll have to finish up quickly then, huh?"

Her pace quickens and her thrust become rough. Your moans echoing louder as you endure the blissful abuse to your g-spot.

"Rumi...fuck! Babe I'm gonna cum"

Leaning down to your level she kisses you passionately...both of your moans muffled by the other's lips. Thrusting much slower this time, she gives you time to ride out your high as she comes off her own.

Unfortunately the moment was ruined by a sudden knock at the door. Fatgum apparently came to check on you two, "Hey! Are yall okay in there?"

"Yeah! We'll be out in a second!", you say in unison.

"Alright well. I'm going to head back. Let us know if somethings wrong."

With that Fatgum walks away leaving you both alone again.

"Pfft looks like we should head back", she says.

"Yeah, otherwise they might come busting in haha. We should definitely finish the rest at home."

Anime Kink Oneshots x Black Reader Where stories live. Discover now