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Kink- Rimming

Pairing: Giyu Tomioka x Black reader

Italics are thoughts...Giyu's thoughts will be bold Italics

A little background: You both are Hashira's and are on your way back home from a meeting with the head master. You live with Giyuu


On your walk home you notice Giyu was quiet more than usual. Seemingly trapped in thought.

Growing concerned you ask,"Tomioka, are you okay? Seems like something's on your mind."

Startled out of his thoughts he let's out a low gasp and says,"Um.....it's just...."

Noticing him become anxious only worries you more, 'I wonder if it's something serious...he usually talks to me a bit more'

You take a moment thinking over what you could say to ease your lovers concerns. "Whatever it is I won't judge, but if you don't want, you don't have to tell me. Just know I'm here whenever you need me."

You give him a peck on the cheek and smile sweetly at him in hopes to quell what ever feelings he was having.

But unfortunately it doesn't work, he still seems to be having a back and forth with himself, 'I want to tell her...I'm just a bit nervous on how she'll take it'

After a minute or two of his internal debate he finally gathers up enough courage, "Um. I...I just want to try something when we get home"

Raising an eyebrow you give him a curious look. Wondering about what he could possibly have in mind.

"Okay. I'm curious to what it is you want to try. Is there anything you'll need my help with?"

"No, you won't need to do anything..."

Looking away with a heavy blush dusting his face, Giyuu continues with, "I want to make you feel good, so you can just relax and I'll do all the work."

Shocked at what just came out his mouth, your eyes go wide and your mouth becomes slightly agape

'Wait! Does that mean?!'

Now it's your turn to blush. Completely caught off guard by his statement you stumble over your words while trying to regain your composure.

"O-oh okay. Just t-t-treat me gently."

☆Time skip to the house☆

"Here let's go to the bed". Taking your hand Giyu leads you to the bedroom.

'He's being really forward today. I'm not used to this...I think my heart might explode'

Walking you over to the bed Giyuu gently sits you down . You go to remove your clothes but he moves your hands away.

"I told you I'll be taking the lead today. You just sit back and relax Y/n."

With a smile to end his sentence and a gentle kiss placed on your forehead; he gazes into your beautiful brown orbs...his love for you overflowing from his heart shinning through his eyes. He then trails his hand to the button on your pants feeling the smooth fabric on the pads of his finger tips. Giyuu takes them off slowly in a teasing manner, while maintaining eye contact. You bite your lip in anticipation causing him to chuckle slightly at your reaction.

After what felt like forever he takes them off tossing them to the side.

"Can you get on your hands and knees for me?"

You nod in response and do as requested. Once in position you hear rummaging in the background.

"Here. Lay on this. I don't want you to have to use your hands to support yourself the whole time". Placing a pillow under your head, he helps you get in a comfortable position. Now with just your ass in the air as you cross your arms over the pillow and lay your head on top of them.

'I wonder what he plans to do'

Getting down on his knees, Giyuu begins kissing your butt making you jolt. Pausing for a second he makes sure to ask for permission before continuing.

"I want to try rimming you today. Are you okay with that?"

'I never really thought about that before, but I'm sure whatever he does to me will feel good'

"Yeah, I'm okay with that. Please continue.", you say while wiggling your butt in an inviting manner.

Hearing you give him the go-ahead he waste no more time. Giyuu takes his hands and spreads your cheeks presenting your throbbing hole. His tongue grazing over the rim of your anus.

A delightful chill travels up your spine feeling like tiny little pricks as you softly moan, "Ngh."

Hearing your moans lights a fire in him and encourages him to do more...he begins moving his tongue like a mad man. Almost as if he had been deprived of a delicious treat for years and is now finally able to get his hands on it.

His ruthless attack on your anus making you cry out and grind yourself against him in hopes of receiving even more pleasure, "Mmmm! Tomioka!"

'I didn't know this would feel this good.'

Your moans like music to his ears causes a growing tension in his pants. Not able to take it anymore, he uses one of his hands to free his member. Finally free it slaps against the bed, precum oozing from the tip. Using his right hand to stroke it while still pleasuring you.

"Tomioka! I'm close."

'Fuck. So am i...'

After five more minutes you both climax. Laying down on the bed you try to catch your breath not noticing Giyuu had stepped away for a moment.

"Here. Let me clean you up." As he wipes the sweat off your body you smile up at him

"We should do that again some time."

Flustered at your sudden remark Giyuu blushes

"Yeah, we should."

Anime Kink Oneshots x Black Reader Where stories live. Discover now