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"Heya Yoongs" I said, hoping onto his bed. "Call me that again and you won't even remember your name" He said gravely. I gulped and laughed nervously. "H-heh sorry Oppa"

"Give me a shoulder massage" He ordered, completely ignoring my apology. "No!" I said quickly and tried to run away but he pulled me back. "Either you massage my shoulders or you come with me to the mall" He whispered. I didn't feel like going to the mall today, it's a Sunday and I always watch K-Dramas instead.

"Fine, I'll come" I said pouting sadly. "Good now get ready" He said and kicked my butt, pushing me out of his room and slammed the door on my face. I scoffed in disbelief before marching over to Jungkook's room and throwing on a quick outfit. Nothing too fancy, just a hoodie and jeans.

I went back to Yoongi's room and saw him waiting for me at the door. "Let's go?" He asked, I nodded and walked downstairs, uninterested. "Why'd you want to go to the mall anyway, it's the last thing I expected to come out of your mouth"

"Jin Hyung wanted to buy some new mirrors because his bae is lonely." He shrugged like it's a normal thing around here. "He loves that mirror more than food" I mumbled.

"Oh hell no, he once broke a boy's neck because he took one of his chicken nuggets without permission." Yoongi replied. "Oof" I said. "One kid stained his mirror with his fingerprints and Jin Hyung got so angry that he pinned him down on the ground and farted on his face for a good 10 seconds" I couldn't help but laugh.

"He was traumatized after that. Now he needs his mom to take him to the toilet" Yoongi continued. "Poor guy" I sympathized.


We were at the mall, Yoongi was carrying a bag of mirrors and I was just licking my ice cream until... "Yoongi?!" I pig-like squeal echoed through the quiet mall.

I saw him roll his eyes and sigh. A girl appeared, she looked about 20 years old. She ran towards us and clung to his arm. Yoongi yanked her off harshly, staring at her uninterested.

"Hey Babe" She flirted. "You're not my girlfriend" He muttered rolling his eyes. "Awe why so salty babe? I am your girlfriend" she said with a pout. "I doubt that his standards are that low" I muttered loud enough for her to hear

She looked at me and scoffed "And who are you? You look like a random slut he found off the streets" She insulted with a smirk. "And you look like someone who would return a candle because it didn't come with the fire" I fired back.

I could see Yoongi smirking at me proudly from the corner of my eye. She scoffed in disbelief "Why're you with my baby anyway?" She asked in a snobby tone. "To save him from using his breath on you" I spat.

She rolled her eyes and looked at me from head to toe, trying to roast me back "Who designed your clothes? The maid?" She asked with a smirk. "At least the maid has better tastes than the tooth fairy that designed yours" I roasted.

"Damn, nice one sis" Yoongi praised. I smiled back evilly and then faced back to her who was judging me up and down in disgust. "I didn't know my baby's sister was so ugly. You can't even afford good shoes" She said rudely.

"At least I can wash the shit off my shoes, too bad you can't wash off your crappy attitude" I smirked. "That's it! I'm calling Oppa" she yelled and stomped her foot on the floor like a child. She took her phone and called someone. After she cut the call she looked at me with folded arms and a smirk.

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