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"Jeon Jimin! What do you think you were doing, hiding in that school?" JunHyeok, his father yelled. "A-appa y-Y/N" That's all he could say. That's when their eyes widened. "Where is she?" Yoongi immediately asked.

"I-I don't know Hyung! She just disappeared" Jimin said, breathing heavily. "Fvck fvck fvck, The school is burning down and you're telling me she's inside?!" Jin raged. "Hyung, stop yelling" Namjoon put a hand over his shoulder.

"Appa, if Y/N is inside there and no one else is inside then there's no way she's going to make it out alive" Jungkook said. "I'll go get her" He said and was about to enter the school but JunHyeok stopped him.

"Son.... Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Yes appa, I can't lose her" Jungkook said and used his powers to sprint inside the school. He could feel her fear, he could sense it. After all, he knows more about her than NaRa, he has a strong connection with her.

He has the ability to communicate with her that no other person has, all because of his love and care towards her. His mind was going crazy, not being able to find her. He could feel that she's scared.

Using his powers, he tried to see where she is. All he saw was a broken girl, hugging her knees in the corner of a classroom, crying her heart out. His heart shattered, seeing her miserable state.

He tried to locate where this room was. But no luck, he ran around the whole school, not giving up. He stopped at the final door, and that's when he heard whimpering.

He heard loud cries and whimpers coming from that room. His mind immediately drove to the thought that his sister was getting burned. He tried to open the door but it was locked.

He kicked the door open before barging in. He saw his little sister, cuddled up in a corner, trying to avoid the flames as much as possible. His heart broke seeing her condition.

Her clothes were torn, she had a few minor burns on her calves and shins. Her arms had a few cuts and her face was stained in tears. He made his way through the flames, not getting a single burn, thanks to the species he's from.

He bent down to her height and pulled her into his embrace. She flinched and screamed, trying to push him away. "No princess, it's me. You're safe, I promise" He whispered soothingly in her ear.

She shook her head, refusing to believe it. "Look at me baby, it's just me, I promise, you're going to be fine" He said softly, lifting her chin up to finally face him.

Her eyes teared up seeing him. She immediately hugged him and pleaded "J-jungkookie... p...please take m...me away from t-this place." "Shhhh My love, you're safe with me" He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

He wrapped her around himself like a koala and used his powers to avoid the flames and fires and smoothly go past them. Y/N held onto him, hugging him like her life depended on it.

She trusted him to keep her safe, she always did.

He finally got out the building, safe and sound but his only worry was his sister. Everyone surrounded the two as soon as they came out.

"Baby! Are you okay?" JunHyeok asked worriedly, kneeling down. Jungkook was sitting in the ground with Y/N on his lap, shivering in his hold. He pulled Y/N off Jungkook making her let out a small scream in fear.

"Shh Shh Shh, it's okay, it's just me, appa" He said softly and brought her into a warm hug which she returned. "Everyone go back home NOW" Yoongi commanded.

And just like that, everyone immediately cleared off, leaving the Jeon family, alone in front of the burning school. "Hobi, take us home" JunHyeok said smacking Hoseok nod as he used his powers to teleport them back home.

Y/N was sobbing on her father's chest. Her body was shaking, her wounds were bleeding and her mind was throbbing in fright. She looked like she was having a panic attack.

Taehyung noticed this and pulled her towards his chest, engulfing her in the warmest hug. "Calm down baby, calm down. It's us, We're your family. You're safe, my love, just focus" He whispered, soothingly in her ear.

However, it only helped her to stop mumbling incoherent words with her quivering lips. She cried on his chest, letting it all out on him. He didn't mind one bit, he hugged her and stroked her hair.

"Go to sleep" He whispered. She nodded softly before tugging on his shirt. "W-with me p...please?" She asked in the tiniest voice. Understanding that she wanted him to sleep with her, he nodded.

The boys left the room to give the two some time.

Taehyung stroked her hair as he laid down on the bed and brought her close to his body. She buried her face in his chest while he pulled the blanket over the both of them.

He stroked her hair, humming a soft lullaby for her to fall asleep. After she fell asleep, Taehyung was still awake. Jimin told him what had happened while Jungkook went to save Y/N.

He had so many questions. Who caused the fire? Who took Y/N away? Who locked that door? And most importantly, Why?

But he knew he won't get any answers as of now.

Main priority is the little girl in his arms.

She Doesn't deserve any of this.

Yeah she may be a brat at times but this incident almost cost her life.

The door opened, Taehyung turned his head and saw his father and brothers standing their, looking at Y/N with a soft gaze. Jin had a first aids kit in his hands, helping Taehyung understand why they're here.

They came in and took the blanket off her body making her body curl up into a ball, trying to provide herself some heat. Yoongi hugged her, warming her body up while the others started cleaning her wounds.

"I'll kill that mother fvcker who even dared to do this" Jungkook muttered angrily under his breath.

To be continued....

Write this in under 30 mins. Excuse the low quality

Vote or your most trusted pillow will turn into your sleep paralysis demon 🔪

Word count : 1087

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