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It's been 4 days since they locked me in and ever since, I felt like an outsider. They were all so cold to me, even Taehyung. It felt like they hated me.

I know it's my fault for hiding this from them for a month but I didn't think it'd lead to such heartbreaking consequences. I never realised how attached I am to them.

All 7 of them have been ignoring me 24/7 and I don't even know where my dad is at this point. I hated how he just went away when he had the power to at least protect me from getting hurt by them.

If they were in a slightly different mood in a bad way, they would've probably done more than bruise my wrist. They do come in my room every few hours to check up on me and every single time, I'd either be crying and avoiding their gaze out of fear.

I was really mad at them at first for hurting me like that but then I got over it. Usually I wouldn't forgive them that easily but this time, I'm at fault too. Every family has limit and rules and I broke not one but two of them.

First I hid my relationship and second I GOT INTO A FLIPPIN' RELATIONSHIP. Maybe if I said that I'll date him once I'm allowed to do so, this wouldn't have happened.

Im not that mad at them anymore, in fact I'm craving for their attention. The past few days were real torture for me. I felt so alone and bored. Jungkook didn't come to bother me at all, Taehyung didn't butter me with his sweetness, Jimin didn't tease me, Jin didn't rant on how he's handsome or anything.

I felt so empty....

The door suddenly opened making me flinch badly. I looked up and saw Jungkook looking down at me. I immediately looked down avoiding his gaze because he usually isn't the one coming to check up on me.

He held my wrist, rather softly and dragged me out of the room making me gasp. I haven't exited that damn room in so long it's so refreshing. He took me to the living room and made me sit on the couch, very soon all the members surrounded me.

They were all staring through my soul, making me feel intimidated. I looked down at my lap where I was fiddling with my fingers. "Look up" Namjoon said.

I did as told, not wanting to make them angry. "Now...Here's what's going to happen to you" Jin started. "Jungkook will be with you at all times during school hours and we will increase security at home" He said.

"And give me your phone" Jimin extended his hand forward. I was about to give but that's when I realised that my texts with Yuko is stored in my phone. If he ever tries to look through my texts then my punishment is doubled if not quadrupled.

I shook my head refusing to give it to him. His eyes turned dark making me gulp. I scooted back into the couch as he extended his arm forward and gripped my hair.

I shut my eyes in slight pain and fear. He brought his face closer to mine and whispered "Give it to me" in my ears. I gathered my courage and shook my head as a no.

He clenched his jaw and looked at me with nothing but anger. "I'll give you one more chance, Give it to me" He repeated. I shook my head stubbornly and got up, trying to run away.

But Jungkook caught me and harshly pulled me over to his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist from behind. I struggling to get out of his hold but failed.

My eyes started to get watery seeing everyone glare at me. But I saw Hobi's eyes soften just a bit. He came forward and shadowed my body. He gently held my chin and said "Y/N... Just give him the phone. We promise to give it back" His soft yet dark voice made me want to obey him.

I reached into my pocket and got out my phone and gave it to him. He smirked in satisfaction and gave it to Jimin "Good girl" He said. Jimin took something out of his pocket which I assume is a chip and started inspecting my phone.

He slid the chip inside my phone and gave it back to me. "Now princess, everything you text, every person you call, every website you open, every single thing will be reported to us" Namjoon smirked.

My jaw dropped as I looked at them in disbelief "What?! Why?!" I suddenly protested. "Because you fvcking betrayed our trust, that's why" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"If you guys didn't restrict me I probably wouldn't have had to in the first place!" I suddenly raged. "Y/N.... Behave" Jin warned. "No! You can't control me like this!" I went on.

"Y/N..." Yoongi warned. "Stop it! You can't fvcking control me. Just because you're my brothers and my elders Doesn't mean I should listen to every single mother fvcking thing you s-" I got cut off by a slap.

My face turned to the side as I clutched it in pain. I looked up with teary eyes and saw Taehyung, breathing heavily with anger displayed in his eyes. He grit his teeth and was staring down at me in nothing but pure anger.

 He grit his teeth and was staring down at me in nothing but pure anger

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I whimpered in fear as my whole body started shaking, I've never been so scared in my life

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I whimpered in fear as my whole body started shaking, I've never been so scared in my life. His long fingers wrapped around my forearm as he pulled me away from Jungkook, making me crash into his chest.

He harshly took me to my room and threw me in. I sobbed in pain while he closed the door behind him and walked towards me. I scooted back but failed to get away.

He held my chin aggressively and said "Listen here, little one, Just because most of us never raised our hands on you, Doesn't mean that you can talk like that in front of us. We won't tolerate such behaviour. The only reason you aren't begging us to forgive you is because you haven't seen the worst of us yet. And that is because you're our sister. Don't repeat what you just did or you will face extreme consequences, got that honey?" He asked with a growl.

I sobbed and nodded. He smirked and got up, letting go of my chin "Good" he left the room, locking it behind him. I hugged my knees and scooted into a corner.

The only thing I felt like doing was to...

To be continued...

:) Suffer

Vote or I'll lock you in a room with Oli London 🔪

Word count : 1144

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