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(This chapter is very important, even if you get a clue about what the main thing is, don't comment it.)

"Okay Namjoon Hyung, Truth or dare?" Taehyung asked.

"Uhm Truth I guess?"

"How many damn vases have you broken in the past week?" Jin asked, pissed off. He laughed nervously, scratching his neck. "6..." Jin raised an eyebrow not believing it "9..." He finally confessed.

"Someone's gonna get whooped after this" Hoseok snickered. Namjoon glared at him making him gulp. "Young Masters! Young masters!" A few guards came running from all directions.

Jungkook immediately back hugged me, covering me with his broad back as he arched his shoulders forward to provide more coverage. Taehyung stood in front of my protectively, putting an arm on Jungkook, blocking the view of my side boobs.

"Uh what're you doing?" I asked. "We wouldn't want pervy ass men staring at our little bunny, do we?" Jungkook cooed. I rolled my eyes at their protectiveness. "Bambi..." Taehyung said in a warning tone. "S-sorry"

"Now, what do you want?" Taehyung asked in a slightly deeper tone to the guards who Jungkook was back-facing. "W-we were searching the whole mansion for you" One of them panted.

"Why so?" Yoongi asked. "W-we received this letter but we don't know who it was sent by" One of them said, taking out an envelope from his pocket. Jin took the envelope and read it out loud.

"I'll make her pay" That's all that was written in it. He shared a worried frown with the boys. "Hyung look!" Jimin exclaimed seeing a specific logo on the envelope. "I've seen this somewhere..." I mumbled

"Where baby?" Hoseok asks."I-I can't seem to remember where." I said, disappointed. "It's fine, we can find it out. For now, I want guards protecting this place 24/7, the only 'her' over here is Y/N, so we must protect her at all costs. I don't want to see a single scratch on her, is that understood?" Namjoon asked in his leader-like tone.

The guards nodded and ran away immediately. "I'll be fine" I said, trying to get away from the two muscular bodies sandwiching me in a very corona-free way.

"Sis, you have no idea how bad it can get. I don't want you disobeying any of us from now on like how you did the other day." Jimin said. I sighed and nodded.

We went out of the pool and Jin gave a towel to Taehyung who wrapped it around me and carried me bridal style. He walked inside, completely shirtless making all the maids drool in lust.

He went inside his room and gave me one of his hoodies, "I know you like wearing these" he chuckled. I blushed in embarrassment as I took it and ran to the bathroom to change.


"Stay with one of the maknaes at all times okay?" Jin asked. I sighed and nodded "Okay" . Trust me, I didn't want any of them tailing my back but I'd much rather have them follow me thank get spanked.

"Don't worry, she will" Jungkook slightly glared at me after grabbing my hand in his. I gulped and looked down, knowing exactly what's going through his mind right now.

The Hyung line nodded and left.

"Bambi..." Taehyung came towards me, seeing me a bit down. "Yeah?" I answered with a sigh. "You okay?" He asked, "yeah, I-I'm just worried because I didn't s-study for a test" I lied.

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