Love like You

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It is not 8 November, however, as Kim Rok Soo officially take Cale Henituse as his name, naturally he must acknowledged the red-head's birthdate as his own.

Which is why, here he is now, dreadfully socializing with some nobles that has good relationships with Henituse Duchy.

And not just them, Deruth and Violan has generously invited The newly crowned Emperor, Roan's brightest Star, Alberu Crossman, and several other royalties. All because they knows that the said people, despite their high statuses,   are actually quite close to their first son.

Witira, Paseton, Litana, Pen, Toonka, Harol, Rex, Jack, Hannah, Clopeh, Valentino...

There are also some red-flame dwarves, bear tribe, dark elves and elves in the mix.

Naturally, the 10 wolf children, his close friends, the tiger tribe and several others that has been seen to be quite close was also invited.

The Henituse couple's goal is to make the atmosphere as comfortable and familiar for their oldest son, hence why only selective nobles are exclusively invited to this odd party.

What they don't know, however, Cale Henituse, the birthday boy, the star of this party, is withering internally as he felt drained with all of these people.

'When will this stop?'

He's not a fan of parties, and normally would not attend such festivities if it's not something urgent or would benefit him greatly.

But as the main focus of the party, he knows for a fact that he couldn't escape the people that keeps on coming to greet and congratulates him.

He only find an excuse to put a pause on the matter when On, his daughter, is about to perform a song for him.

She played wonderfully and Cale cannot hide the proud smile on his face as he clapped for her. He was unaware of it, but his unexpected bright smile as he accepted the silver haired girl's hug brought warmth towards those who witnesses.

"Well, aren't you going to play a song as well, Cale?"

The sudden request made the red-head stares at the golden pairs.


He was taken aback.

"You've been practicing a lot lately, isn't that the case then?" Her innocent question made him at loss of words though he snapped himself quickly and was about to say no. He practiced playing piano and sings so that he won't humiliates himself in front of the three children that certainly looking up to him as their guardian.

Yet to his dismay, someone else was faster to speak.

"Hmm? What's this? My dongsaeng knows how to play piano? How come I've never heard of it?"

Alberu, who's no longer used the dye magic as he has been accepted as who he is by the citizens, are smiling that certain smile which, as always, brought chills to Cale’s spine.

"...Your majesty."


"Hyung-nim" Cale mockingly corrected through his indifferent tone, "though I do own a certain knowledge of how to play, this lacking being is not as talented as my bright daughter over here."

It was his way to tell Alberu to cut it out.

But it was clear that the quarter dark elf enjoyed his misery. He was adamant to hear Cale play a piece with hidden jealousy as he had only ever hear him doing so through a video recorder that Raon had sent him once.

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