Missing You 《Raon》

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Another year has passed.

The world has changed a lot since the first time this place was built.

Henituse Museum.

Where the history of the horrendous wars in the past were 'captured in place' and glorified by nowadays people.

Two black haired men could be seen standing in front of a picture of a certain red-haired hero.

[The Young Master Silver Shield.

The Hero That Shall Never Be Seen Again.

Cale Henituse]

That was what's written in golden plaque under the faded painting.

"Choi Han... that's not him... that's not our human"

The painting was indeed that of Continental Hero, Cale Henituse. However, this painting... doesn't look like the real person.

The Cale they know doesn't look this cold.

The Cale they know wouldn't smile like that either.

'It is ruined'

Yet as much that black dragon wanted to fix it, he can't.

He could not fix anything, for he too...

He doesn't remember exactly how his human would smile at him.

"Raon... let's go"

Choi Han nearly have to drag his nephew away before either of them could breakdown...

Though, it's not like anyone would see them anyway.


Just like many museums in this modern era... deserted and almost ready to be forgotten.

They were actually here because both of them starting to feel like their own time is nearing and they wanted to have one last chance to see how their lives back then.

Full of adventures.

Full of mischief.

Full of smiles.

Raon stopped on his track when he saw that blue piano that held thousands of memories.

His noona wanted this piano to be placed here instead of at the Villa.

She wanted her story to live as long as it could possibly be along with this discolored piano.

"Say, Manager-ssi"

Today, the two of them were guided by the Museum's manager herself.

The lady of course has been told about these two gentlemen, which is why she was especially careful as she replied to the black dragon.

"Yes, Raon-nim?"

Without wasting any second, Raon said what he wanted to do ever since he lays his eyes on the instrument.

"Grab a chair for Choi Han and one for yourself. I'm going to play a song."

He didn't say it sternly nor did he uses his dragon fear, however, the lady knows that it was a command, not asking for a permission.

Respectfully bowing, she decided to agree with his words with only one thing left to say.

"My apologies, Raon-nim. Since On-nim had told us that it was not to be played but rather to be placed on a display, we haven't properly tuned it ever since. Would you like me to call someone?"

She offered, to which he declined.

"I can do it myself"

And that's exactly what he did.

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