Chapter 6

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"ARGH! They always win! I say in frustration

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"ARGH! They always win! I say in frustration. I was about to akumatize someone when Ladybug and Chat Noir got the akuma before he was even akumatized. I was embarrassed 2 pesky teenagers were always defeating me.

But i had a bigger plan. I wasn't too angry on the fact that they defeated my almost victim, because there was really only one way to get their miraculouses. Akumatize one of them. Except i had already akumatized Chat Noir apparently in a different timeline and frankly, he failed.

but ladybug...

She was strong and beat me every single time, if she was on my side, then i would surely win and get both of their miraculouses. I am such a genius.

Akumatizing her would make me unbeatable because chat noir couldn't face her on his own so, I would win and get their miraculouses.

But how can I do that? She never is angry enough.

That was what made me frustrated at that Moment. I was only doing all of this for Emilie and reunite her with our son. Adrien i had noticed was depressed, maybe it was time to bring him to a therapist.

Would that help?

I sigh, then hear some noises. Clearly, someone had broken into my lair, I wasn't stupid. "Who is there? I demanded angrily. Thankfully, i hadn't said out loud that i was doing all of this for Emilie, people would most likely accuse me of her disappearance.

Well, it was my fault i suppose, for her death.

"Your number #1 enemy."

I knew that voice, turning around and seeing Ladybug. "How did you get in? I demand. "Not important, She snaps. "Give up, Hawkmoth, we have defeated you too many times, how come you haven't given up?" 

I spat back, "Because, i have hope, you are just a teenager Ladybug!" I was about to fight when she whacked me with her yoyo, distracting me for a moment before we began fighting. It was humiliating to know i had been crushed several times by a teenager.


She smirked. "Aww, so sad." Ladybug seemed confident and distracted before she fell. The butterflies crowding around her. "You must be curious why i have not akumatized anyone up until that attempt, I smirk, my cane in my hand.

"Actually...She said. "I am."  I still am smirking as a butterfly enters my hand. "You will see very soon, I laugh wickedly. Ladybug surprisingly scoffs then leaves. Usually, she would not give up. This fight wasnt significant though, so it didn't matter at all.

I sigh, before hearing Adrien call my name, and quickly detransform and go back upstairs before he sees me. "Father? he asks, entering the room, most likely seeing me staring at the portrait.

"What is it, Son? I ask, coldly, turning around to look at him. Adrien resembles his mother in too many ways that it is painful to look at him sometimes, i still love him very much though. Doing what she would have wanted. 

"Look Father, i know you love me very much and want the best for me.... Adrien started, fidgeting with his fingers, which was a sign of nervousness, and who is to say that he is not wanting something out of my comfort zone?

"I want more freedom, go and actually just walk or hangout with friends without a bodyguard."

My eyes widen in surprise, luckily he doesn't see that, then i automatically say, "No." "Why not Father? I am old enough to go out on my own! He insists, for the first time fighting back, like his mother, who always would fight back.

"The world is dangerous, Adrien, you have freedom, a bodyguard is there to protect you, plus your crazy fans are everywhere. Remember?"

He frowned."I know but..." "No buts! i could take away your privilege to even be going to public school, Adrien." He sighed, giving in."Okay father, i guess." He gives up and goes to his room. I clench my jaw in frustration.

Is he even grateful?

When Emilie was still alive, we were a proper family, and i can acknowledge that maybe im a terrible father, but some things must be the way it is. I go back into the lair and transform again. This time, seeking revenge is even more satisfying for me.

The defeat of Chat Noir and Ladybug will happen.

I was an adult, they were children so why was it so hard? I couldn't even understand that. But there had been times when i was so close to victory but ended up failing. This was hard, but i was NOT giving up.

Ladybug has weaknesses, both of them do, they are not perfect, like i have my own flaws and weaknesses. So maybe, i should figure them out then i could use it to my advantage and well, win for once.

Was it the guilt or excitement filling my body? Maybe both. Guilt for the loss of my wife, and excitement for a victory. Some could call me delusional, but i am not, i am smart and know what i am doing.

And Adrien. 

He misses his mother just as much as I do, if anything, this is all for him and be able to see his mother again. Then, a thought came into my head, more like a clever idea. i had an ally, and had an plan o get another one.


He was already evil i could tell, but something was blinding him, i figured it would be pretty easy to manipulate him and i already have with my ally. Lila Rossi. She could be the one to make this plan succeed.

I dial a number and ring it up, hoping she would at least pick up her phone. No, i am not in love with her, only a professional "friendship". 

"Lila Rossi speaking."

"Lila, it is hawkmoth, and now, listen to my plan." 

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