Chapter 7

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disclaimer: this story does have some felixnette in it! but will be lukanette at the end! HOWEVER, This story does not focus entirely on that.

Chapter 8 is when all the chaos begins;) 

There was something off about today, Lila was being surprisingly nice to me and honestly I know she is planning something.

That fight with Hawkmoth yesterday proved my entire point that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. Last time I came to that conclusion he seemed really sad, Chat Noir I mean.

So I didn't plan to bring it up again this time around or tell him my theory has been confirmed. "I have exciting news everyone! Miss Bustier said, clapping her hands in excitement. "We have a new student transferring today."

Everyone's eyes widened in excitement, we haven't had a new student in quite some time, and frankly, something interesting had to have happened. "Who is the new student, Miss? Ivan asked.

An all too familiar boy entered, his grumpy look on his face and crossed arms told me everything i need to know. 

"Felix Graham de Vanily."

Some girls started to fangirl over him, considering he was the cousin of Adrien and looked identical to him. "You will be sitting next to Marinette, Miss Bustier said. Alya looked at me with an sad look, before moving next to Lila up ahead. 

I scoffed, wishing this day would end already, then he said, "Marinette, right?" I turn to him, a smug look on his face. The only differences between him and Adrien was his hair was slicked back, wore bland clothes, and most importantly, Adrien was kind and knew boundaries, whereas Felix was cold and did not know any boundaries. 

"Yes, I reply coldly and slightly mean as well. "Adrien talks a lot about you, you know, He said, making me turn red.


Dang it, there goes my guard, I thought.  He nodded. "A lot, but as a friend." I frowned. "Oh yeah. So, uh, why did you even transfer here?" He sighed."I wanted to experience a regular-ish school life, like Adrien i suppose."

I nod."Yeah." The thing that was weird was, Felix was nicer than normal. Lila scoffed, for a second showing her real side, but what was her problem anyways? "Marinette, I need to talk to you about something, Felix whispered. "Okay, what is it? I whisper back, curiously. 

"I like you Marinette, He whispered, for some reason it gave me butterflies. Lila still looked super angry and then gave me a wicked smile, I had a horrible feeling in my stomach for some reason, perhaps a sign or warning for what is to come?

I think so, but what on earth does she have planned for me? I know i'm involved.

"Really? I ask, curiously. He nods, looking down and i did too, blushing heavily. Adrien looked angry as well, why was everyone so mad today? What did i do? I sigh. "You are a very pretty girl Marinette, He whispered again.

Why was i feeling this way?

I shouldn't feel so nervous and charmed by Felix, he was always a cold, boring person, total opposite of Adrien. "W-Wouldn't this be wrong? I asked. He shook his head."Meet me outside after school."

Oh god, what was going to happen? I thought, before turning back to my assignment, not wanting to get distracted by Felix again. 


After class, Lila approached me, a cocky, but fake smile on her face. "Marinette, can we talk? She asked bitter-ish. "Yeah, I reply coldly."Whatever you plan to do, won't work at all, got it?" Lila laughed."I'm not playing anything this time, Marinette."

I still was suspicious and kept my guard up, because whatever she has planned(i know she is), it won't be good. "This is about Felix, Lila spat."Stay away from my man!" I chuckled."Felix isn't your boyfriend, Lila, he said he was single."

Lila hissed."You sure about that? Clearly, you were flirting with him, he isn't interested in you, take a hint!" I smirked."What happened to Adrien, Lila?" She bit her lower lip."Adrien is mine, Marinette. Stay away from him too!"

I raise an eyebrow in confusion. First, she says she wants Adrien, then Felix, and now Adrien again? I simply laughed."Seriously, Lila. Choose one, they look the same anyways." Was my attraction for Felix because i was so desperate? Maybe. 

But i was for sure meeting him outside after school, i want to see his motive, and maybe, we could kiss... his lips pressed against mine was all i could think about after that. The bell rang for the last class which meant we could go home.

I saw Felix outside waiting for me, and flashed him a smile. "So, why did you want to meet me here after school? I asked. He smiled, blush across his face."I want the two of us to go on a date, would you want that?"

I thought about it for a moment, then decided to accept. "Yes, I would love to! I accepted.Felix smiled."Great, i kind of planned it out actually." I chuckle, entering the limo with him, it was awkward with a very angry Adrien inside for some reason, but i brushed that off. 

The date was romantic, and maybe, we could become a couple, but i highly doubt it. Felix looked like the dude who had high standards, and not into girls like me, an awkward, middle-class geek. 

"Marinette, i really like you, so.... i hope you like this, Felix says, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, blushing. I softly smiled at him."I really like you too, Felix, and don't worry, it looks amazing."

Some time in the date, he turned to me, leaning in, and i was mentally freaking out, this would be my first kiss, and what should i do? I leaned in too, soon feeling his soft lips on mine.

He grinned at me."That was nice." I nodded, then we continued on with our date. 

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