Chapter 2

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As soon as i entered the classroom, i knew daggers were eyeing me, Lila's for that matter

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As soon as i entered the classroom, i knew daggers were eyeing me, Lila's for that matter. "Oh, i assigned new seats! Miss Bustier announced, she had been on maternity leave but came back after her son was born.

Rumors spread that Principal Damocles is the father, but honestly, who really knows?

"So, where is my spot? I ask my teacher calmly. "next to Lila, Miss Bustier told me. I groaned, and Lila simply smirked at me, whatever she had planned, was coming soon, i could feel it.

When it came to Lila, she always manipulated things to get her way, Alta always told me I was just mad she spends time with Adrien.

But that's not it.

I don't mind her hanging around Adrien, in fact, he needs more friends because he always tells us he never had friends before besides Chloé.

It's what she plans, clearly manipulated her way into this one. I scoff as I sit next to her, all she did was give me a fake smile. Clearly, Lila hated me too.

Feeling is mutual, I hate you too.

Soon, everyone sat in their new Seats and as much as I liked sitting in the middle I wanted to sit with Alya or maybe even Adrien.

I blushed just thinking about him. Rosé smirked at me and I turned my head around, she clearly noticed unfortunately.

"Marinette, are you paying attention?"

I nod, i really was, although with Lila pestering me, it was nearly possible to keep listening. She even had a cocky smirk on her face. 

"Something bothering you, Marinette?"

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"Something bothering you, Marinette?"

I frown. "Actually no, I'm fine. Miss, can i please change seats?" Miss bustier sighed. "No, Marinette, Principal Damocles told all of us teachers to change the seating chart, for purposes as in a situation for a sub."

She gave me a smile, and turned back to the lesson, I roll my eyes, I knew Lila got what she wanted in the end, at least for now. God, i am too obsessed with this idea, I thought, brushing it off and managing to think about other things. 

Miss Bustier was perhaps the most naïve out of all of us, honestly. 

She wrote on the chalkboard, and i sighed, squeezing my left hand without distracting anybody, and i saw what was on the board. 

revoir le projet

My eyes widened in excitement, Obviously me and Alya would be working together on this review project. "So, as you know, last time we did a project, I let you choose your partner, Miss Bustier said." Well, horrible choice. This time around, your partner is the person sitting next to you." 

I groaned, fate was really hating on me today, Lila is literally everywhere! What can i do to get rid of her? i mean, make her leave me alone. "Marinette! I am so excited to work with you! Lila squealed, all an act of course.

If there was one thing Lila Rossi WAS good at besides lying and manipulating, it would be acting, if i didn't know better i would have fallen for it. "Uh, yeah, I say. Turning back to Miss Bustier, she gave us the instructions and we began to work on the project.

Lila tapped her pen several times, and by then, i was annoyed. "Okay, Lila, that is enough, i will do it, go find a new partner! I snap, snatching away the work and focusing it to me. She whined. "It is a team effort, Marinette, you can't leave me under the bus!"

I scoff, crossing my arms then turning to her. "I can, and i just did, s-so... Fuck off Lila Rossi!" I could not believe what i had said, i never swear, not at all.  Lila got teary-eyed and then ran out of the classmate.

Chloé smirked. "Even Dupain-Cheng has meanness in her. told you so, everyone!" I rolled my eyes. "Well, excuse me Chloé, for snapping for a girl who barely did any work." She rolled her eyes too, then turned back to Sabrina

"Marinette, is everything okay? Adrien asked me, concern in her voice. I blushed."Y-Yeah, i-i'm fine. t-that w-was e-embarrassing." Adrien laughed. "Don't worry, Miss Bustier, she must have been having a rough day today."

"Alright, Marinette, i will let you off this once, but if you do it again i am sending you to the office." I sighed of relief. "Okay. I won't do it again. "I could not believe this, Adrien defended me at that moment!

I smile shyly at him, he glanced at me and smiled back. His sweet, adorable smile, it made me feel warm inside. I went back to reality and after the bell rang, Alya caught up to me. "What was that about? She asked.

I blinked."Huh? what do you mean?" Alya sighed, then turning to me."Girl, Lila was being nice, you know, sometimes you take it too far. When you said fuck off? she was crushed." "Ugh, you are so under her spell! I insist. "She is a faker, i have seen her real self, i could care less if she hangs around Adrien."

I crossed my arms. "You sure? Alya asked, smirking. "I'd say you're jealous, Marinette." I groan. "Give me a break, Alya. I'm 100% sure she is a liar. You don't have to believe me, as long as someone does." 

"Alright, say she is a liar, have any evidence? Alya asked. "You can't accuse someone without proof, you know." "I know that! I reply sassily. "Right now, i'm getting that." She nods. "Well, class is over, Marinette!"

"See ya! I have to help with my parents at the bakery!" As i walked out, Tikki whispered, "Marinette, why did you do that? as a superhero, you know better." I chuckle. "I know, she deserved it, Tikki."

My kwami frowned and stayed silent, I seriously had to help my parents today, i am dead, though, if the school called them.

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