Chapter 10

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quick disclaimer: marinette ends up with luka in the end, so if you came for marichat or adrienette, gladly mistaken<3 

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quick disclaimer: marinette ends up with luka in the end, so if you came for marichat or adrienette, gladly mistaken<3 

I stood there, watching as he fell, or so i thought. Strangely, apart of me felt bad, but i no longer loved him the way i used to, i wasn't even in love with Adrien anymore, not after he betrayed me like that.

I rushed over to the balcony, seeing if he was there, but nope. "That little... I mutter, knowing he don't die. I might've fought him but this, was an allusion. Rena Rouge, of course did it. Why did i trust Alya? She clearly despises me now. 

Alya was the only one who knew of my identity, so she did this intentionally, of course. Luckily, I had his miraculous, well nope, that vanished too. So Chat isn't Adrien, but whatever, i've got bigger things to do. 

I needed his miraculous. 

I couldn't fail.

Hawkmoth was counting on me, so i jumped off, swinging on my yo-yo, seeing people look at me with fear and sadness, i loved it, i thought so at least. I smile, a cocky one, of course. Proving how powerful i was, i went around, looking for the stupid Cat.

Alya wasn't my main priority, but i would get her too, i knew it.  I scoff, then hear Hawkmoth demanding me for the miraculous, i promised him i would, god, he was so demanding. 

Why was i tolerating him? Oh yeah, he gave me these powers. 

Well, he just showed me how powerful i could be as a villain, so i guess i owed it to him. I sighed, where on earth were they? Failure was not something i do every single day, have i ever failed? No, not ever, and don't plan to. 

I just jumped onto the building, then just sit there. I took a big breath, the evil felt so nice, finally, the pressure of being the perfect Hero is gone. I can do things my way. For once, the world would listen to me.

Not them. Not the stupid mayor, me.

Maybe for once, people would stop pressuring me.

I close my eyes, then open them again, kind of figuring out where Chat Noir would be hiding. Did he think i wouldn't figure it out? That dumb kitty, he should have known. I'm smarter than that. The world's most powerful super villain.

I rush over, seeing Chat and Rena, bingo. I was laughable, honestly. "What? Rena asked. I chuckle. "You think i would never find you both? Pathetic, to be honest." Rena frowned, lunging towards me.

 "you should go first, i spat. "traitor." Rena frowned, her eyes widened, filled with guilt, but i would never forgive her, i trusted her, and she took advantage of it, how could anyone forget that? certainly not me.

 "Look, I'm sorry... She apologized. "Rena, why are you apologizing? Chat asked, confusion on his face as they both began fighting me.  Rena momentarily looked at him, then back at me.

"Chat, I'm the reason she got akumatized."


He looked at Rena, then at me. I crossed my arms. "She finally admits the truth." Chat scoffed. "Why didn't you tell me? I deserved to know, Rena." Rena frowned."I promise, it was for good reasons, Chat-"

I hit her so bad she fell back, being knocked out instantly. "Just you and me, Kitty, I wink. I noticed he was crying, but i shouldn't and can't care. "Your game is over, Kitty, I tease. He shook his head. "Not yet, bugaboo."

He managed to pin me to the ground, about to get my earrings, before i jumped up, his strength must be low. "Weak, I chuckled. Cha scoffed. "Far from weak, you know that." I laugh. "If you were correct, you would have defeated me by now."

i knew he was losing his patience, but that made this more entertaining, he would give up eventually, at least i hope so.  "Says who, bugaboo? He asks. I scoff. "don't call me that, you idiot."

He shook his head, dodging my moves, despite my best effort. I guess he was better than i thought,  but not as good as me, never will be.  "Okay, you are good, I admit. "But I'm more powerful, just face it." 

Once again, he shook his head, like the dummy he is, i thought this would be easy, so far not really. Ugh, why can't he give up already? "Frustrated, M'lady? Chat smirked, crossing his arms. I snicker. "As if, former sidekick!"

That was when he froze, his face turned into sadness. "You and I were partners, i was never your sidekick, He spoke. I shrug. "You always brought me down, why do you think i am so powerful now? without you!" 

Chat dropped his things, and he looked at me. "I still see you, Ladybug, in those bluebell eyes, Chat admits. "Come back, bugaboo, you know you want to- " I slapped him right across the face. 

"Ladybug is gone! accept that, you delusional coward! I yell, then swing away, leaving him dumbfounded, not feeling bad for insulting him. Ladybug in me was trying to come back, but i wouldn't let her, She is weak, someone who is not me. 

I am not weak.

Everyone misses Ladybug, but would never know she would cry at night, trying so hard o be prefect while being Marinette, the girl nobody wanted o be, the girl who could never be a superhero, just someone who was weak.

But now? I feel like i belong, feel like i could be myself again, use my power to my full potential. Hawkmoth might be a setback but i could handle him, i knew i could. Just how? I wasn't sure yet. 

But i needed to break myself from his control, but still keep this power, this mindset, because if not, my weak side might show. The one Chat wanted to see, the girl he loved, the one he flirted with. 


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