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Kit's room


" This is too hard! Why can't we just watch movies already." Kit whined, Lia rolled her eyes at the boy and sighed. " We have to finish the calculus homework first, I can't believe how irresponsible you are." Lia said, this made Kit snap his head toward her with a confused look on his face.

" I'm not irresponsible." " Yes you are, you're an athlete Kieran, and you have the worst grades I've ever seen, you have a 6 in math." She stated seriously. " Yea because I don't understand any of it." " Have you ever gotten help?" He shook his head and she sighed again.

" If you really want to watch movies then let's finish." Kieran nodded and watched Cordelia explain the homework more to his understanding. " Got it?" Kieran nodded slowly and took the pencil out of her hand, he wrote down the answer to the problem and Lia looked up at him.

" That's right!" She exclaimed, she was honestly surprised that he got it that quickly. " It is!?" She nodded and he got up and jumped around. " I'm a genius!" He pumped hai fist in the air making Cordelia laugh.

" Yea right ' genius' you still have eight more to do." Kieran sat back down at the desk and finished his homework as she finished hers.

" Well would you look at that, you don't need my help after all." Kieran rolled his eyes, " don't get too comfortable,  I'll always need you." As he went to get the movies set up, Lia felt herself get butterflies in her stomach. She tried to ignore them but they wouldn't go away.

" Alright, start from the beginning? Or random?" He asked Lia to look at him who was scrolling through Disney plus' marvel section. " Uhh, random." She then started to put her own things up and made her way to his bed.

  He put on Doctor Strange and got into his bed. He opened up the blanket for Cordelia and she climbed in, she leaned back on the wall and so did he. As the movie played. Lia thought back to Monday, it was Wednesday now. She looked over at Kit who was too engrossed into the movie to notice her staring.

" Kit." " Hmm?" " You never told me what had happened Monday..after Lucas came." She said, Kit sighed and looked over at her. " Nothing happened Cordelia, nothing you need to worry about." Cordelia scoffed and sat up more. " You can't tell me not to worry about it when you didn't show up for school for the rest of the day, Kieran." After Lucas ruined their moment, Kit told her to go back inside the classroom and she did, after that she didn't see him for the rest of the day.

" It's nothing bad-" Before he could say anything else, Lia grabbed his hand and revealed his scarred knuckles. " This isn't nothing, Kit." Kieran noticed her change in words, Cordelia has never called him by his nickname and it was weird hearing it from her mouth in such a tone.

" You can't keep beating up people for me, you'll get expelled." " I'm rich-" " That doesn't mean anything! You are a great friend Kieran, but you can't keep fighting stuipid battles to end up winning stupid prizes." Cordelia then let out a breath and got up out of his bed.

" I'm gonna head home, I'll see you tomorrow." She put her shoes on and grabbed her bag. " If you can't fight for yourself then who will?" He asked, a silence fell between the two. Kit looked at her with both worry and anger running through him. " Who said I ever wanted to fight, Kieran?"

Cordelia leaves, leaving Kit alone with his thoughts.

The next day came and both Kit and Lia were in their health class together. " So I decided that maybe today, we can do a small activity." Their teacher said, " raise your hand if you know how a tampon works?" She asked, all of the girls and only a few boys, not including Kit, raised their hands.

" Alright, I need you all to pair up with someone of the other gender." Kit heard those words and instantly got up and rushed to Cordelia's side. She jumped as he plopped in the chair next to her. " Someone's eager." The teacher jokes, Kit gave her a nervous smile then looked over at Cordelia.

" What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked, " I just need to get here before anyone else did." He shrugged. She rolled her eyes and Kit huffed, " I just wanted to say that-" "Alright, now that everyone is paired up, here.." The teacher came around and handed everyone a bottle filled with red colored water and a tampon.

  " I want the girls to explain to the boys how a tampon works." Kit looked at Cordelia who had her head in her hands. " Why is it red?" He asked, " it's supposed to represent blood, you idiot." Cordelia grabbed the tampon and opened it.

" Here.." Kit took the tampon and looked at it with confused eyes. " It looks like a dart." He chuckled, Cordelia stifled a laugh and opened the water bottle. " Now, put the tip of the tampon in the bottle-" Kit did what he was told. " Now push this.." He did that as well and the cotton went into the red water and expanded.

Kit's eyes widened and he looked at Cordelia. " This go up your cooch?" He asked in a whisper, she nodded with a smile. " Yep, and then when you go to change it, you have to pull it out, if you don't put it in right it can hurt, this is why I use pads." She smirked and looked around to see most of the other boys with the same expression and shock.

" Looks like some of you were really clueless." The teacher said with a laugh and proceeded with the lesson.

After class, Cordelia was one of the first few people to walk out. Kit saw this and rushed after her. " Lia!" He grabbed her wrist to slow her down. She stopped walking and turned to look at him. " What." He let out a sigh and looked her in the eyes. " I'll tell you what happened Monday." She looked him over to make sure he wasn't joking or anything.

" Okay." " After school, meet me in the parking lot."

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