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" Jacobs!" Kit and Lia look down the hall and see Lucas walking up to them. Kit looked down at Cordelia as she wiped her tears. " Go back inside." " Wha-" " Lia, go, tell the teacher that I went to the bathroom." She sighed and went back into class.

Kit met Lucas in the middle so he wouldn't be so close to the classroom. " What do you want, Lucas?" " You broke my fucking nose." " Okay? What does that have to do with me?" " It had everything to do with you! You caused this!" Kieran scoffed, " well maybe you shouldn't have been an asshole? Have you ever thought of that, maybe if I had kept my mouth shut then Kit wouldn't have punched me in the nose." Kieran mocked.

" Fuck you Jacobs, you're gonna pay." " You sound corny as hell right now Lucas, why don't we just let bygones be bygones?" Kit asked knowing damn well he himself wasn't going to let Lucas slide with any of the shit he has done to Cordelia.

" Either you're gonna give me the money to fix me or I'll do the same thing you did me to me, maybe even to that fat bitch." Kit then reached out and grabbed Lucas by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against and up into the lockers.

" You know what Lucas, fuck bygones, you listen here and you listen good, kay?" His grip tightened on the strugglings boy's shirt. " You will never, ever, call Cordelia out of her name again because if you do, I will do way worse than what you got, got me? Because I swear to fucking god that I will ruin you." Kit let him go harshly.

" Make sure not to do anything stupid, I'll see you at practice."  Kit began to walk off until Lucas called out, " are you threatening me?" Kit stopped and turned around to him, " yes..yes I am."

" And that's what happened, will you stop being mad at me now?" Cordelia sat in Kit's car, he had finished explaining what happened. " That's it? Fucking hell Kieran, I thought he hurt you or something, you can't tell me not to worry because then I'll fucking worry." Cordelia had thought that Lucas hurt him or threatened him by the way he was but it just turned out to be the other way around.

" Sorry, I don't like it when people worry about me, I can take care of myself." He shrugged and started up his car. " That may be true but regardless people are gonna worry about you Kieran, you have your family and friends-" " That includes you too right? We're friends." Lia looked over at Kieran who was already looking at her.

" Yes Kieran, we're friends." Kieran instantly smiled and nodded, he put the car in reverse and drove out of the school parking lot.

Kieran got home after dropping Cordelia off at her house. He walked to the kitchen and looked through the fridge for something to eat.

" Kieran is that you!" The familiar voice of his mother rang out to him " Yea mom!" Kieran's mother, Jess, walked into the kitchen and kissed her son on the head.

" How's that girl you were talking about?" She asked him with a smile, ever since the day he went out with his friends, he has been talking to his mom how he was starting to like Cordelia more than he should've. He always had an eye on her when she first got to the school but never said anything.

" She's good, I've been trying to figure out ways to ask her out but she's a stubborn girl." Though he hasn't seen much of that side of her, he could tell by the many things he noticed that she is a reserved person and introverted, the complete opposite of him.

" Just do it, isn't there a carnival soon, take her there and if you want it less awkward then take the boys." Kit nodded at his mother's advice, " what about until then?" Jess sighed and looked at her son, " You're so clueless, Girls love a guy who is understanding, sweet, kind and won't use them for their body and sex, if you are the boy I raised you out to be then you'll figure it out." Jess winked at him and left him alone in the kitchen.

Kieran sighed and took in his mothers words, ' maybe I should call her.'

" Chantelle! I'm serious! Get out!" Cordelia groaned as she heard her sisters fighting again. She got up from her bed and walked from her room to Cala's room. She got three and saw Cala and Chantelle standing across from each other. Cala had something on her hand since her hands were clenched together and held to her chest. Cala had tears welling up in her eyes.

Cordelia had been on babysitting duty since their mom had to work a double shift at work today.

" What the hell is going on?" She asked, " Cala has a boyfriend." Chantelle said while crossing her arms. " No I don't!" Cala rebuttals, " Wait-" " Then where did you get that necklace?" " I bought it dumbass!" " With what money Cala, We're both broke!"

" Hey!" Cordelia yelled at her sisters because she was both curious and angered by the situation. " First and foremost Chantelle you need to mind your business, Cala can have a boyfriend if she wants too and that isn't your business, where she got the necklace from doesn't concern you." Chantelle sighed at Cordelia's words. " How about you go to your room." Chantelle huffed and walked out.

" Cala, who is it?" Cala's mouth dropped, " you just said it wasn't any of your business." " I said that it wasn't any of Chantelle's business, not mine." Cordelia closed the door to Carla's room and sat on her bed.

" Why are you so bent out of shape about a necklace that a boy gave you?" Cala opened her hands and looked down at the necklace. " Because a boy didn't give it to me." Cordelia's eyes widened as she saw Cala start to cry. " Cala..."

" I have this friend, or at least I think she is, and she gave me this necklace and a note, the note said that she liked me and I don't know what to do." She cried, Cordelia got up and hugged her sister.

" Do you like her back?" " Maybe? I don't know." Cordelia rubbed her back and sighed. " It's okay to like girls Cala, it's just gonna take a while to figure out who you are, we'll love you either way."

Kit sighed as he called Cordelia's phone a third time in the past hour. ' Maybe she's doing something.' " Yo Kit." Kieran looked up from his phone and saw his older brother, Keith. " Yea?" " Mom said come down for dinner." Kit nodded.

" Am I pushy?" He asked, Keith looked at him confused " No? I mean you really fucking energetic but not pushy, maybe a little when it comes to things like football but that's understandable, why?" Keith asked.

" I know this girl and she's kinda introverted. I called her and she didn't answer. I was just asking if I might be too pushy." Kieran shrugged his shoulders, " Kieran, an extroverted person is always going to be pushy to an introverted person because they aren't used to your energy, you are total opposites but opposites attract." Keith shrugged his shoulders.

" But some girls like nonchalant guys, they like to chase sometimes, try it out." Kieran sighed and nodded. " Come on, Kayla wants you." Keith mentioned their little sister.

Kieran watched his brother walk off and looked at his phone. ' Maybe she thinks I'm too much, I'll dial it down.'

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