ᶠᵒˡˡᵒʷᵉᵈ ⁱⁿᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ʰᵒᵗᵉˡ ᵃᵖᵃʳᵗᵐᵉⁿᵗ {ᵗʳᵘᵉ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ}

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It was a rainy day in Camborne with thunder and lightning pouring it down, I was in the car with my mother when she dropped me off outside the premier inn hotel, I walked hastily to the door of the hotel walked through reception and got to the room number ten, pulling out the key in my handbag I opened the door with it and shut the door behind me. 

I unzipped my black heels and took them off with a struggle, my feet wet and dirty placing them neatly by the door, I got out my phone and called mum. "I'm here." I said, "oh alright, brilliant, ok love, see you later." "Yeah, alright bye." I hung up the phone, left it on the floor near the door along with my shiny handbag and rushed to the bathroom, locking it. 

After a few minutes I heard the door of the room being opened, and I heard footsteps walking in. 

My eyes widened and my heart started pounding quickly, feelings of tingly nervousness spread through my body, I knew I had been followed in. 

For the first minute I didn't know what to think, I was just overtook by the nervousness. After washing my hands in a hurry I stood up and faced the bathroom door taking some deep breaths to calm myself. 

I could hear the person walking back and forth right outside the door making my heart skip, I inaudibly took a deep breath and stood myself closer to the door, "I come against you by the blood of Jesus" I firmly stated regardless of my voice sounding a little shaky, to my surprise the person stopped walking for a moment and turned quiet the second I started speaking and until I had finished the sentence. Then they started walking back and forth outside the door again; taking another deep breath I slowly stepped closer to the door while I had the bravery, knowing that I had to show them that I am not some girl they will be able to bring down, I needed to make the person which was probably either a serial killer or a rapist which had followed me into my hotel apartment understand the fact that I'm not a girl that is going to cry and curl up in a ball on the floor but rather have a little word with them. 
I  took a deep breath quietly and stepped closer to the door again, "in Jesus name I bind you." I said, "And all of your tools." They stopped walking when I spoke these words and they paused a few seconds after I had finished speaking to them, then they continued walking back and forth outside the bathroom door again. 

I looked down at my hands that were shaking and that had turned the colour of red and purple from the adrenaline racing through my body. I kept quiet for about two minutes until speaking again. 

I stood myself close to the door thinking about what I was going to say for a few seconds then I spoke, "I know I'm a weakling low-life human being, except in my weakness the power of Christ is made manifest according to the scriptures." I smiled a teeth smile through the door as if I was grinning at the person like I could see them, my face muscles were shaking in slight fear that I just spoke again to the murderer or rapist who was on the other side of the door and the fact I could tell they were listening attentively by the silence which sent nervousness to rush through my body.

Taking two steps backwards as my smile slowly faded, I nodded my head to myself a few times at the fact I literally admitted my weakness to them yet at the same time letting them know because of my weakness I was immeasurably more indestructible than whoever was standing at the opposite side of the door whoever they may be, through Christ.
After a while of hearing them continuously walking back and forth outside of the door I decided to sit myself down for a bit so I held my knees up to my chest as I stared at the door feeling a bit dull that they hadn't said anything to me, I thought perhaps they'd yell at me to come out or threaten me, but they didn't.

I realized they probably came to the conclusion they didn't have a chance to get at me unless I actually opened the door and stepped out, unless I did that they'd have no reason to reveal the identity in their voice to me. I stood up after about ten minutes which I think they noticed me because they stopped walking for a few seconds when I stood up, then they started walking back and forth, back and forth, nervousness spread through me as I heard him/them,  needed to think of a scripture I knew, something I wouldn't make any mistake in saying, so I thought of psalm 3 my old time favourite, the one I knew off by heart. Taking a deep breath and staring at the door, "oh Lord! How many are rising against me, many are saying I have no help in you God, but you strike my enemies on the cheek you break the teeth of the wicked, salvation belongs to the Lord your blessings be on your people." Ahhh mate, I messed up, I could feel them listening to me. It was awful that I said the scripture wrong. 

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