Chapter 6

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Sakusa Chiyo

"You're really gonna dump us Chiyo?" Motoya sniffled as I stood infront of the whole boys team.

"Why are you making it sound like I have a new lover or something." I frowned and the others laughed. "Anyways, its been an honor to work and play with everyone." I smiled a little before bowing.

"Thank you so much, Sakusa-chan." They said in unison bowing to me as well.

"If the girls team maltreat you again, give us a note." Their coach patted my head.


"Kiyoomi." I faced my brother.

"I don't have to remind you, but always remember that you are not me. Write it in a paper and stick it to your coach's forehead if that's what it takes to remind them." She scoffed.

"Thank you nee. I'll be going now." I smiled at him before leaving the gym and heading to the other where the girl's team are.

This morning, I was excused from my class by the captain of the girl's volleyball team. She apologized over and over and wanted me back on the team, she said she convinced the coach and promised to treat me as an equal to the rest of the team.

Itachiyama Institute Volleyball Team Girls. Unlike the boy's team, they haven't set a single foot to the nationals, often eliminated at the first game.

"Good afternoon." I greeted with a sole expression as I stepped foot into the gym.

"Sakusa-chan!" The girls exclaimed, overflowing with happiness.

They're rather kind and warm to me, after all, its just the coach who's a shit.

"Hey Sakusa-chan." Shioni Ayura, the team setter who's a ball of sunshine called as I headed home after practice, it was fun.

"Shioni-san." I acknowledged her and stopped as she caught on to me.

"You can call me Ayura!" She said with a bright smile. "I didn't get to ask you at practice but how was my tosses?"

"Its good. You have good accuracy."

"I mean how are they to you personally?" She rephrased and I looked at her confused. "Okay, I don't want to compare you to Sakusa-san but the boy's setter is my friend and he mentioned once or twice that Sakusa-san has a specific toss that he likes, the one that is high and close to the net."

"Right, he gets to put more spin to the ball that way."

"Really? Well I was just wondering if you have a preference too! That way I can learn it and practice with you often so that we'll have a good coordination. Plus I hate it when the spikers have hard times hitting my tosses."

She's... Considerate. Ayura-chan is far too precious for this world.

"High." I muttered looking the other way.

"Uh, hello?"

"High toss."

"Oh, sorry." She giggled.

"I can't jump like Kiyoomi, my verticals aren't really impressive but I like high tosses and slightly far from the net. I don't know if you saw me play before but aside from the snap Kiyoomi taught me, I specialize in tim--"

"Time lag attacks." She finished for me. "I watched you play in middle school. I actually went against your team once, we were all confused thinking that someone in your team had some time manipulation crap whenever you spike. It was awesome!"


"High and far from the net. Got it." She smiled cheerfully.

"Although any set will do Ayura-san. I'll be able to hit anything as long as you give a warning before hand." I said a little seeing a splash of relief in her adorable face.

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