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Third person's P.O.V.

Honouring Bhishma and Pandu's decision Kunti and Madri left for Varnavat with the Pandav leaving the Pandavi in Hastinapur with Pandu. Urvi, Draupadi, Devika, Karenumati and Vijaya stayed in Hastinapur. When the Pandav along with their Matao reach Varnavat they are welcomed by Purochan and his family. The palace they were going to stay in was lit only by mirrors

Karn's P.O.V.

"Pdharye, Maharani. Pdharye." said Purochan

"Purochan, before we enter, we must light a deep at the entrance." said Mata Kunti

"A-avashya. Avashya, Maharani." said Purochan

"Pdharye." he said, gesturing us to come. We went in

"Come in, Maharani. Come in. This way." said Purochan, his wife was holding a thali Purochan gave Mata Kunti a small diya

"Madri," called Mata Kunti, Mata Madri touched the diya and they lit the deep and Mata Kunti was going to take the thali

"Why do you bother, Maharani? Let me hold it. Please enter." said Purochan taking thali, we entered a room full of mirrors Nakul began setting his clothes, jewellery and his hair. While we looked around.

"This palace is miraculous, Kumar. My Putro and I have put a lot of labour into constructing it. We have poured all our knowledge into building this rajbhavan." said Purochan

"Wonderful, Purochan. I have never seen such a beautiful Rajbhavan." said Jyesht Yudhisthir smiling I looked around

"Does the entire rajbhavan get illuminated with only moonlight?" asked Sahadev

"Indeed, Kumar Sahadev. We have placed mirrors in such a way here that moonlight is sufficient for lighting. There is no need to light even a single lamp. Now, a more beautiful structure than this can be made only by Vishwakarma." said Purochan

"Splendid! Marvellous, Purochan." appreciated Bheem

"Bhrata Yudhisthir," he said looking at me

"you should reward Purochan for this lovely creation of his." he said, Jyesht Yudhisthir nodded

"To have all of you stay in the Rajbhavan made by me is more than a reward to me, Rajkumar Bheem." said Purochan, Bheem nodded

"How does the Rajbhavan get illuminated on an Amaavasya, Purochan?" I asked, we all stopped smiling

"A-Actually...Actually I'l-"

"Karn." called Bheem interrupting Purochan we looked at him

"Why do you worry unnecessarily? And just think of how many mirrors are there in this Rajbhavan. Kul is so pleased." said Bheem teasingly and laughed, Nakul stopped looking at himself in the mirror we all smiled

"But the question is a valid one, Purochan. How does the Rajbhavan get illuminated on an Amaavasya raat? We will have to light torches." said Jyesht Yudhisthir

"No! No! No, Yuvraj, I will surely think of a way before the new moon night." said Purochan

"Bhratashree, your chamber must also be worth seeing. Let's go." said Bheem

"All of you five brothers have one big chamber, Rajkumar Bheem." said Purochan

"Very well. Let's go Mate." said Jyesht Yudhisthir looking at Mata Kunti and Mata Madri

After twelve O'clock

Bheem's P.O.V.

I came into our chamber, I saw Bhrata Yudhisthir was sound asleep, I looked at Sahadev he was sound asleep too, I saw Nakul he was sound asleep too. I slowly walked to him I stretched my hand he suddenly woke up he was going to yell I covered his mouth and pulled him off his bed, I put my finger on my lips gesturing him to keep quiet

"What happened, Bhratashree?" he asked in a whisper

"I'm hungry, come on." I whispered gesturing him to come he took a shawl and wore it we walked out of the chamber we walked to the door and saw Karn coming into the chamber

"Where are you guy's going?" he asked

"To look for the kitchen." yawned Nakul

In the hallway

"Why did you have to wake me up, Bhratashree?" asked Nakul yawning, I looked at him

"You anyway will be eating alone." he said

"I'll share the food with you too, Kul. But first, help me find the kitchen." I said

"Years ago, a Das had told us the way. Use your nose." said Nakul, yawned again and turned around I grabbed his hand stopping him and turned him around

"My nose couldn't find it, that's why I woke you up. There's no aroma of food coming from anywhere in the entire Rajbhavan. Come, help me find the kitchen." I said we walked forward

"Guards! Guards!" yelled Karn, I put my hand on his shoulder and pulled him to look at me

"Don't raise your voice, Karn. Everybody will wake up!" I said

"It is the duty of the guards to stay awake." he said

"Pranipat, Rajkumar." said a guard we looked at him

"Guard, show our Bhrata the way to the kitchen." said Karn, he and Nakul turned around to go back to our chamber.

"The kitchen is located outside the Rajbhavan, Rajkumar." said the guard

Karn's P.O.V.

"The kitchen is located outside the Rajbhavan, Rajkumar." said the guard, Nakul and I turned around in shock. Bhrata Bheem, Nakul and I exchanged shocked looks

"This is such a huge Rajbhavan and you're saying it doesn't have a kitchen?!" snapped Bhrata Bheem, Purochan and his wife came she was holding a large Thali

"Forgive me, Rajkumar Bheem." said Purochan, we looked at him

"I wasn't aware that you have your dinner, late in the night. From tomorrow, my Patni will stand outside your chamber, holding a plate full of delicacies. Purandiri, give the food" he said, Purochan wife stretched her hand and gave Bhrata Bheem. He took the Tali he uncovered the Tali it was filled with food he ate a laddoo

"But why did you not construct a kitchen in such a huge Rajbhavan, Purochan?" I asked

"Er... erm... the Dasis preparing the food should remain outside the Rajbhavan, so that you all, Maharani Kunti and Maharani Madri are not inconvenienced, that's why, Rajkumar." said Purochan

"But you increased my inconvenience." said Bhrata Bheem, I looked at him his mouth was full

"Get a kitchen made in the Rajbhavan." said Bhrata Bheem with his mouth full

"But, Rajkumar Bhee-"

"What buts and ifs?! Will the Rajbhavan go up in flames if food is prepared here?! What are you afraid of?!" scolded Bhrata Bheem interrupted Purochan

"No, Rajkumar Bheem. Why would I be afraid? And why would the Rajbhavan go up in flames?" said Purochan

"Then follow my ordered, and get a kitchen made." said Bhrata Bheem

"As you wish, Rajkumar." said Purochan and left

"This is rather astonishing!" said Nakul, Bhrata Bheem looked at him

"Such a huge Rajbhavan has no kitchen?!" he said

"I think people that live here are crazy." said Bhrata Bheem

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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