Karn's announcement

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Urvi's P.O.V.

In the Rajyasabha

The Yuvrajabhishak was going on and after the Abhishek Pitashree Pandu was going to announce that Karn and I were going to get married, Karn and Draupadi both loved each other but Draupadi said the is willing to make the sacrifice for Prishti and me. I looked at Arjun I saw him and Prishti holding their two little fairies. I loved Arjun, a lot. But I can't marry him Prishti is his wife and she'll be shattered if Arjun remarries. I sighed I felt Vijaya hold my shoulder

"Urvi, where were you lost?" she asked

"It's nothing, Viju." I said and looked at Bhrata Yudhisthir. Pitamaha Bhishma put the Yuvraj crown on Bhrata Yudhisthir, Devika went next to Bhrata Yudhisthir they exchanged looks smiling Devika took a knife removed it out of its case cut her thumb and made a tilak on Bhrata Yudhisthir's forehead

"May you bring prosperity to Hastinapur, Arya." said Devika, Bhrata Yudhisthir smiled

"All hail Yuvraj Yudhisthir! All hail Yuvrani Devika!" chanted the courtiers, Bhrata Yudhisthir and Devika, Bhrata Yudhisthir touched Pitamaha Bhishma's feet

"Ayushman bhavah." blessed Pitamaha Bhishma

"Shubra." called Kunti Maa looking at Maa. Maa, Kunti Maa and Madri Maa looked at Pitashree Pandu, he gave them a nod and stood up

"Hear all!" called Pitashree Pandu, evryone looked at him 

"On this auspicious and flourishing occasion, I would like to spread more happiness by shearing a good news before this Sabha." he looked at Karn and gave a nod Karn made a fake smile and walked up the stairs to the throne where Pitashree Pandu was standing Pitashree Pandu looked at me and gave a nod I also gave a fake smile and walked up to him

"Today, amidst there is a person who is a special part of this family even when she is not related to us by blood." said Pitashree Pandu, looking at me, I fake smiled again

"But now, it is time will get to tie Urvi and Karn in an unbreakable bond for life. Urvi and Karn will get married this Deepavali!" announced Pitashree Pandu

"Pitashree! Pitashree!" Bhanumati came in running into the court

"Arya... Arya, has set his chamber on fire and he is going to burn himself." said Bhanumati with tears rolling down her eyes we exchanged looks and hurried to Duryodhan's chamber. We entered Duryodhan's chamber there was a ring of fire around Duryodhan 

"Mere Bachche, come out of the fire!" said Gandhar Raj,

"Come out, Bhratashree!" yelled Dushasan

"Duryodhan, What is this madness?! Come out!" I asked


"Mahadev has heard only your and Draupadi's prayers. The threat will rise now." said Bhanumati

"Why is that, Bhanumati?" asked Draupadi

"Why are you talking like this?" I asked

"I'm saying what I can see ahead and you failed to. The Pandav winning means Arya has lost. So it is a threat to me. Arya will try everything to get the throne of Hastinapur, he'll emotionally blackmail and... and perhaps even try to kill the Pandav. I'm scared, Urvi." said Bhanumati

Recalling ended

"What are you doing?!" asked Kunti Maa, Karn walked through us raised his the Vijay pulling the  string an arrow appeared and he shot it the fire went out I started coughing because of the smoke and felt dizzy all of a sudden and I fainted I felt two stiff yet soft arm catch me

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