We'll Be Your Dorm Mentors.

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We finally made it to the reception and I stood by the window and bell.

I turned to the Reavers, "has either of you had the explanation of your ranks yet?"

They both looked confused so I gathered that was a no.

"Common logic would suggest that you would have the same rank as each other and because you both joined in this year, you would automatically receive level 11. However, Finn being older would make his slightly above you Amy. Therefore, Finn stand to my right and Amy stand to his right. If you are holding anything, put it on the floor and stand with your feet shoulder-wight apart. Put your left arm by your side and salute with your right hand like so."

I demonstrated. I saw them both look scared but they did as told.

"The cleaners do not approve of students touching the glass so we use the bell."

I pressed the bell and stood back in position.

Ms Crabbeshaw came to the window and opened it.

"At ease children."

I lowered my hand and put both of them behind my back. Finn and Amy followed my lead.

"Permission to talk Ms Crabbeshaw."

"Permission granted Prefect Priset."

"Thank you Ms Crabbeshaw." I bowed, "with me, I bring Finnigan and Amethyst Reaver. Principle Jackson brought them into Science L95 and U96 today and has given us passes for me to give them the academy induction. She also mentioned the change of accommodation for us and I would like to request permission to know where we are staying."

"I am unaware of this change of plans and shall ask for an urgent meeting with Principle Jackson imminently."

She then shut the window. And used the tannoy to request that Principle Jackson returns to the reception imminently.

Within a minute, Principle Jackson was infront of us. I saluted and, as expected, Finn and Amy did so.

"At ease."

I regained my ease position. I suspect Finn and Amy understood the process now.

Ms Crabbeshaw walked out of the office and put her left had over her heart in respect. Principle Jackson nodded at her and she lowered we hand.

"To what reason have I been requested?"

"Permission to respond Principle Jackson."

"Permission granted Prefect Priset."

"As you previously mentioned, the boys wing is still in the process of being built. You also mentioned that we had been allocated a new wing and dorm. Finnigan and Amethyst must relieve themselves of their bags and I do not know where to show them first as I do not know where we shall be staying."

Principle Jackson looked thoughtfully. "All of your belongings have not been fully transferred Prefect. The Reavers, yes but you're have not. The dorm is not quite ready yet."

"I do not mind ma'am. It is only so that the Reavers can relieve themselves of their hand luggage."




End of break and beginning of second.

As everyone was rushing around to get to next period, Principle Jackson looked down at Finn's Skateboard and Amy's guitar case. She contemplated the options then nodded slowly.

"I will guide you to your dormitory now. Gather your belongings."

I bowed and the twins did the same. Amythist picked up her guitar case and Finn picked up his skateboard.

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