Green and Purple. Finn and Amy.

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Lets start at the beginning.

I recall it being a Friday morning. I was in science with 8 other girls and 8 boys. The room was silent as that's what Mr Oring demanded. Mr Oring was covering for Mr Roservelt who was on paternity leave. The irony: Mr Brian Oring. Mr B. Oring. Mr Boring.

In front of us was the kind of tables that you see in American TV shows. Singular and the lid that raises. Except these were benches, and they all lifted as one. They were the size of a regular class room desk- two people per table. That person was your lab partner for a whole year. No excuses or complaining. Your lab partner is always someone of the opposite sex. Unless you're me. 8 boys and 9 girls including me. So I'm on my own.

Mr Oring was on his computer and I was watching the clock count down my time to freedom.

Half an hour gone.

1 hour to go.


I was done with the textbook work. I looked down. My pencil skirt was waist high and 2 inches above knee length. My thin tights were ladderless. My 3 inch plain back heels weren't necessarily regulation but being a prefect, the school allowed me. My plain white blouse was quite a tight fit and was tucked neatly into my skirt. I neatened my blazer which has the school emblem sewn onto the right Brest pocket. I looked at the lapel: there was a yellow rectangular badge with a blue 15. Yellow means wing 1, blue means floor 12, 15 means dorm 15. The rectangle means prefect.

Hasn't our school thought of everything?

Anyway, the silence was suddenly broken by Mozart. Everyone jumped and sat to attention.

"Stand down children. It's my cellular phone." Mr Oring said as he answered. Cellular?

He barked a hello down the phone, left the room then slammed the door immediately behind him.

There was an outburst of talking as everyone relaxed slightly.

"Hey Isabelle, lookin' hot."

"Did you fall from heaven Isabelle? Because I think you landed in the wrong place. You didn't land in my pants."

The boys in my classes do that alot. Say random insults- oh wait, I think they call them "chat-up lines"- to me in pretty much every lesson when the teacher disappears.

I ignore them constantly. 3 minutes later, Mr Oring walked in and the whole class resumed silence and sat at attention.

"Stand." He barked.

We did as told.

"Sort yourselves."

There was a massive rustle as everyone fixed their uniform.

"Be seated."

We sat in regulation position: legs under desk, hands flat by side.

"Principle Jackson will be here in 30 seconds. Remember your place."

We sat in silence and there was one heavy knock on the door.

Suddenly it swung open and in marched Principle Jackson. We stood to attention and brought our hand up as a salute, as per rules of the school.

"At ease."

We saluted, bowed then sat down.

"Hello children. I suppose you are wondering why I have interrupted your lesson today? I would like to introduce to you, the newest pupil to this Academy. Please make them feel welcome." She looked towards the door.

"Come introduce yourself."

In walked a boy. He wore the school uniform, but it looked like it didn't fit him as well as it could. He was skinny, quite tall: I say he was about 5'11. He had black floppy hair that was about shoulder length and his fringe covered his right eye. He was wearing a sort of black hat on -a beanie, I think they're called- which had some sort of colour on one side of it. The coloured patch was on the left side of his head. He had a shoulder bag which was close to his left hip. Under his right arm, he had a long, thin object but I couldn't see it much.

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