Obsessed(yandere aizawa and hizashi)

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(I know I already have a erasermic book but that's smut so I made oneshots! Feel free to give me any idea that you come up with for this book. AnnClover2 gave me this idea! I'mma clear some things up, aizawa and hizashi are both yandere for each other but they don't realize it yet nor do they know why they act the way they do around each other and when someone else is with either one of them the other gets jealous....really easily, Hope you enjoy😊)

"Nemuri!" Aizawa shouted as he ran to the teachers lounge, "nemuri...Can I talk to you?" He asked, "sure?" She said, confused on why he was acting so weird.

Aizawa grabbed nemuri's hand and dragged her away, hizashi was mad but told himself to calm down, 'it's literally nemi.... Calm down hizashi, calm down before you do something you'll regret big time.. ' he thought to himself, taking a sip for the coffee he had.

"Shouta stop dragging me!" Nemuri exclaimed, "not until I find a place that's quiet and has no one else" he said searching through literally the whole school.

'Bingo' he thought, pulling nemuri into the room, he let go of her hand and she stared at him, "explain, now" she said with a raised eyebrow of curiosity, aizawa just rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, "listen very carefully... And don't ask dumb questions!" He said in a stern voice, nemuri nodded "I have a problem.... I feel like you're a good person to tell this to... *deep inhale* I like hizashi, I like, like him! But.. There's something else wrong with me! My blood boils when I see him talk to other people (not counting the students) like when you and him get just a little too close to him... Apart of me just wanna snap your neck and bury your body but apart of me is trying to calm myself down before I do kill you, cause I know that I don't wanna kill you! Something in my body just does and I need help!" Aizawa explained just a bit too fast, nemuri had to process it all, then it clicked for her.

"What...?" Aizawa asked "yandere, yandere, yandere, yandere, you're a yandere, yandere, yandere~!!" She said in a sing-songy voice, "yana what?" Aizawa asked with a raised eyebrow that clearly said he was confused and not understanding what she meant, "a yandere... Well specifically a tsundere" aizawa just looked way more confused, nemuri scoffed "a tsundere is someone who starts off mean, cold, stern, and more than slowly starts to warm up to people, you're like that. A yandere is someone who's crazy in love with someone and will do literally anything for that person, a yandere doesn't even care if they have to kill their friends, they'll do it just to have their crush like them back...you're showing signs of it."

Aizawa just sat there in silence, "you're telling me... That... I'm a crazy person who loves hizashi to the point where I'll start killing if people gets to close to him?!" "Basically!"

"So there's no in between them? I can't just stick with one and leave the other there... I sure as hell don't wanna be a damn crazy, Psycho yandere! I'd much rather have the label of 'tsundere'!" He exclaimed, "come on shouta it's not that bad! Now I know to not get close with hizashi like I do" "you. better. not. " aizawa's monotone voice changed into a more 'sincere' voice (if that makes any sense) "chill shouta, I won't, I swear. I'll just tell nezu and he'll have to warn every teacher/staff here... " she mumbled, unsure of how nezu would react or what he would do, ".... Thanks, for uh... Listening and understanding my situation... " he said in a mumbled whisper, "it's no problem, shou! That's what friends are here for, you can come to me or even hizashi if you need help with anything!" She smiled and gave him a hug which he returned after a few seconds of shock.

Hizashi's  curiosity got the best of him and he followed aizawa and nemuri to where ever they we're going, he heard the whole conversation but the end really had his eye switch in annoyance and made his blood boil even more, 'hizashi... Calm down, it's just a hug, you're overreacting over a hug... Why am I even reacting like this over a hug..?! I'm just gonna walk away for I get caught.. ' he thought before steeping away and began walking until he heard a voice "hey, hizashi!" Nemuri's voice said, he turned around expecting to be busted but nemuri brushed it off, "hey... " he said, "you okay? Usually you would be teaching English right now.. " she asked, "oh sh- thanks for reminding me!" He said before taking off to his classroom, "dumbass.. " aizawa mumbled with a small chuckle, "yeah... Butttt he's your dumbass" nemuri teased, "I'll give you 2 seconds to run... " aizawa said activating his quirk making his eyes glow red and his hair stand up and his scarf move on it's on. 

Nemuri sprinted away as aizawa chased her

"Get back her nemi!" He shouted, "no!" She shouted back.

Hizashi couldn't think straight (no shi- cause he ain't straight-) he couldn't focus that day he could only think of one thing of one person... Aizawa.

"Why can't I get you out of my head?! UGH!" he said pacing back and fourth in his classroom, it was after hours usually he's at home at this time but he couldn't go home, not after finding out his beloved shouta loves him back... But he can't ignore the fact that he found out that aizawa's a yandere...

"Get out of my head..! Why are you always in my mind?! Why can't you j-"

"Hizashi..?" He heard a voice call out from the classroom door, "huh?" He said turning to face the door,

?" He heard a voice call out from the classroom door, "huh?" He said turning to face the door,

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"Uhm- hello- i- uhm-... I-... I'm just-" hizashi stuttered, "you what..?" He asked, hizashi gulped, "well... You know... Just talking to myself... Heh... Heh.. Heh.. " he looked down at his feet, "who can't you get out of your head?" He asked as he walked into the classroom, "oh... It's no one! *nervous laughter*"

Aizawa slowly stepped closer to hizashi to the point where their faces are an inch or less away from each other, "I can tell you're lying, you can tell me.. Who's on your mind?" He asked again, "... I could give you hints... " he mumbled, aizawa nodded showing that he wanted hints.

"Well.. Uh- this person is a boy, he's a little shorter than me... Super cute... Has facial hair... And black messy hair... "Aizawa smirked at the last part, " aww~ you can't get me out of your mind~? That's cute~ you wanna know something..?"

"S-sure.. " he blushed even more  "I can't get you out of my mind either~ your beautiful green eyes, so bright and never seem to dull, your beautiful dorky smile that everyone seems to just love, your energetic personality that's just so fool of love, everything about you just never seems to leave my head... " he confessed, hizashi was in pure shock...

"You- I-.. You really love me...? You don't think I'm annoying..?" He asked, "of course I don't think you're annoying, and yes I do love you, I love you with all my heart... Who doesn't?"

"... I love you too... "

(1248 words)

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