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the daydreams that makes us smile,
the world that at certain times is so vile,
the songs that makes us repeat,
and how our hearts falls in-love with every beat,

discovering a world,
listens to its every turn,
replays each time it goes by,
wanting to be with them every-time,

each verse makes you remember,
with its melody above and under,
searching for the right tune,
hoping the two songs will end up together soon,

but not all songs are full of laughter,
some are with glares that mostly alters,
some are with rain from the clouds,
knowing at the end that the two aren't meant to be bound,

even though our songs aren't for each other,
just seeing you ecstatic with another,
is something that my melody is enough to fill,
hoping that soon my chorus will get healed.

a lost moonlightWhere stories live. Discover now