Runt - Part 14

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14/ I missed them

my mother

my brothers and sisters

missed their sounds

and smells and furry fuzzy warmth

but new voice didn't know

how very many kittens my mother had, or

how my brothers and sisters were so big

how they were so much bigger than me

how they pushed me down and walked on me

how hungry and thirsty I sometimes got.

Was this my . . . home?

I liked this higher, harder sofa

I liked scaring the monster away

even though it was scary

I liked new voice 

and new voice liked me.

Probably I would always let her pet me,

and would not scratch her,

and if she ever had knitting

I would certainly ruin it for her 

and make her laugh.

As I flexed my paws 

in out 

in out

had one more drowsy thought –

Was it the liking, back and forth,

me to new voice, new voice to me

that made a home?

accidentally fell asleep before

I could settle the question. 

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