Runt - Part 12

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12/ Without deciding I JUMPED UP HIGH

LANDED HARD on narrow slippery sofa back

GRIPPED IN with all my sharp curved claws

ARCHED my back

gaped my mouth W I D E


as new voice cried out,

"Are you crazy? Turn that off NOW!"

At once tall monster thing stopped growling

backed away — scared 

it was scared

scared away! 

Now we were safe, tall monster gone!

but I kept guard for us

high on the sofa back

just in case.

New voice looked up at me

"You are SO BRAVE!

Nothing spooks you, does it?

Know what?

I'm not gonna call you runt.

I'm gonna call you . . . Spooky."

New voice put her hand gently

in front of my nose

After a moment, I sniffed all her fingers.

They smelled like windows.

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