3 : Valentine's Day

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- Katsuki's POV -

I quickly put on my uniform and stormed out of my dorm. I was about 15 minutes late for class. Just great. I made sure to set my alarm for 7 o'clock last night. But it only went off later. Of well... What's done is done, and I can't take it back. All I can do is pray that Aizawa won't send me to the office to get some tardy-slip thing. Once I arrived to class, I walked in. Our teacher didn't seem to mind that I was late, so that's good. I quickly sat down, before taking notes of the stuff that was written on the black board. I was done pretty quickly, and when I was, I looked around. People were whispering, probably talking about today. After all, people seem to think that Valentine's day is the perfect day to find their mate. I think it's a load of crap. I mean, February 14th is a day like any other. Nothing special about it, if you ask me. 

Anyways, class went by pretty fast. When we were done, I went back to my dormitory. Today was okay, since I didn't get too much shit from people. Just a few Betas from other classes. But I threw everything out. 

My dorm is on the fourth floor, so I had to use the elevator. Within the next 2 minutes, I was already walking in. As soon as I reached my bed, I groaned. Deku gave valentines to everyone today. All except me. It sucks. Not that it surprised me though. I got used to it. Even if I sort of did hope he'd give me something this year. But I can't control him or anything... So what the hell was I thinking?

I quickly stuffed my bag under my bed, before standing up again, and walking to my dresser. I opened the first drawer, and pulled out some spare clothing. I then walked out of the room, heading down to the common room. Time for a shower. I took the elevator down to the common room, and then walked out to the bathrooms. Once I had found an empty stall - Which wasn't dirty - I took off my shirt. Then my pants, and the rest of my clothes. Once I was in the shower, I turned the water to a hot degree. I know it's not good to shower in super hot temperatures and all, but I don't give a damn.

I guess I like to BURN the filth away, haha.

God- I suck at being funny. Maybe that's why Deku doesn't like me. Makes sense, right? 

Once I was done taking my shower, I walked out and dried myself off. I got dressed into my clean clothes and then walked out. I was met my a sweet odor, which was probably Sato baking something again. But I was wrong. It was actually only Deku. He was the only one around, and all he was doing was reading a book on one of the couches. Once he noticed me, he jumped up with a smile, and walked up. 

"Kacchan! I was looking for you!" He cheered, skipping towards me. I smiled softly, not knowing what to say. All I wanted to do, was go lie down in my bed. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. 

"Uh, I know I'm a little late, but- Uh- I made you these." He spoke, pulling out a round, red box from behind his back. I grabbed it, opening it. 20 chocolates were in it. Homemade, it was obvious. They smelled really great too. I felt my heart skip a beat, and my cheeks turn red. After all, it had been nearly 10 years since Izu last gave me a Valentine. I'm honestly really happy now... 

"I know you throw all of your Valentines away... But I thought of making one anyways. I put some spicy ingredients in it, but it should still taste good - And spicy, that is! S-Since you like hot stuff..." Deku stuttered, looking down. "I hope you like it anyways."

I was going to say something, but I was cut off by someone walking in. 

"HEY! Bakubro! I was looking for ya!" Kirishima called, walking in. To these words, I felt my heart rate increase, and my face flush a deep shade of red... And without thinking, my hand let off an explosion. The chocolate box burned up in my hand, before letting off a dark smoke. 


- Izuku's POV -

God- I wanted to cry. I stared as some chocolate melted out of the box. I then looked up at Kacchan, who seemed mad. I then looked down again, trying to hold back my tears.

"If you didn't want it, you could've just said so." I spoke, before running off. I knew Kirishima had just arrived in the room, so I didn't want to make a scene. I simply walked out. Once I got to my dorm, I burst into tears. I knew Kacchan was going to reject me somehow... But he didn't have to be so rude. The way he blew up all my hard work was so mean. I had spent so much time working on these chocolates, trying to make them just right for him. And he just blew them up. If he didn't want them, he could have just given them back! I could've given them to someone else. Somebody could've eaten them. 

After my meltdown, I wrapped myself up in a blanket, and I sat comfortably on my bed, I turned on my laptop, putting on some old All Might videos. They used to make me feel better, back when I was a kid. So it should work now too. 

After I watched several videos of him, I got bored and started watching other things. Music videos, cartoons, anything that could cheer me up. After a while, I did start to feel good. And just in time too, it was getting close to supper time. At least I'll be able to talk to be people over lunch, huh?

Once I look at the time again, I stand up and walk out of my dormitory, to go to the dinning room. Everyone was there. All except me. So, I hurried up and sat down beside Iida, and Uraraka. Todoroki was sitting with Yaoyorozu. I think they'll mate soon, I'm not sure. Shoto's obsessed with her, and I'm pretty darn sure she feels the same. I wish me and Kacchan would feel the same about one another. 

We ate supper, and I didn't speak about the incident with Kacchan. I honestly didn't want to. I wasn't in the mood. After we were done eating, I walked back to my dorm. Tonight, is going to be a long, lonely night. I just know it.

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