4 : Reverse Confession

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- Katsuki's POV - 

I didn't talk to Deku after the incident... Gosh, for more than a week. I wanted to, but what was I going to say, huh!? I mean, I blew up his hard work. I didn't want to, I just got startled by Kirishima. I wanted to apologize, but he ran out to quickly. I couldn't. I didn't have the time to. 

Of course, I could've apologized in class, but I never got the guts to. He was furious with me, it was clear. Every time I looked at him, he frowned and looked away. But I made a promise to myself. Today, I will. I'll talk to him. I'll make up for what I did, and for how I hurt him that day. Now, we're February 29th. It's a day I'm always going to remember. 'Cause today, I'm telling Izuku Midoriya how I feel.

I'll try, at least. 

- Izuku's POV -

I sat down on the couch, sighing loudly. I was alone in the common room, which was good. I liked being alone. It's perfect for reading. And I've found a really good book that I'm into these days! I just can't stop reading it! It's amazing. 

I flipped open the book, taking out my bookmark and placing it gently on the sofa beside me. I then leaned back, and started reading. 

I hadn't even made throughout the whole page before I felt as if someone was staring at me. I turned around, seeing nobody in the common room. I was alone. Even though I couldn't see anyone, I still felt that uneasy feeling. Like someone was right under my nose, but I just couldn't see them. I turned around again, and kept reading for several minutes. But that feeling didn't leave. After a while, I got annoyed and stood up swiftly, turning around. I immediately let out a squeak, seeing Kacchan's face so close to mine. 

I didn't expect to see him there at all! He scared the living shit out of me. 

"Ah, Kacchan. Didn't see you there." I panted, smiling weakly as I looked down. He scoffed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Uh, yah... I... Here." He handed me a small box, which looked identical to the one I had given him chocolates with. But this one was scratched up and a little crushed. Some people would be insulted by such a rough gift, but I think it's cute that he put so much effort in stuff. It might not seem like he does, but I know that he pushes himself to do this kind of stuff. 

I gently took the box, cracking it open. There were chocolates inside. They clearly weren't the ones I gave him, but they looked similar. I couldn't help but smile and pop one into my mouth. They were delicious! As expected. 

"I- Uh, I'm sorry I blew up your present. I didn't mean to, I got surprised by Shitty Hair. Can I make it up to you in any way? I mean-" Kacchan suddenly stopped talking, and shook his head aggressively. He then looked down to me, seeming determined. A dark shade of red covered his face before he looked down again. 

"I... Deku, I-" He stuttered, clutching his hands tight. I didn't know what he was going to say next, but he never continued his sentence. He simply stood there, shaking slightly as he turned redder, and redder. I scoffed. He's kind of adorable, in this state. 

"Deku- I..." Kacchan repeated, now smiling softly. He looked up to me once more, this time laughing. I didn't know what was funny, but apparently, something was. After a few minutes of constant laughter, Kacchan calmed down. 

"Haha, Izuku..." He spoke, now calmly. The fact of him calling out my real name after all these years made shivers go down my spine. 

"I love you." 

- Katsuki' POV -

Holy crap, I did it! I finally told Deku... I love him! This feels so good! 

"Wha-?" Izuku looked down, confused. 

I then realized what I had just done. Even though it felt amazing to get this weight off my shoulders, I didn't think of Izuku's feelings at all. The OMEGA is the one that's supposed to chose their Alpha. What am I doing? I'm the ALPHA. I'm supposed to be the one to wait around for someone interesting to come my way. I'm not supposed to be the one confessing! Awe, crap. I seriously messed up. Shit. 

"What do you mean- You love me?" He said, looking up to me again. I flushed red again. 

"I mean..." No time to turn back now. 

"I love you. That's what I mean... Be My Omega, Deku!" I said. Izuku seemed shocked by the sudden proposal, but he smiled softly before letting tears fall. I didn't know what he was crying, but he was. Did I say something wrong? Crap, crap, crap, crap...

"Awe, Kacchan?! You're serious?!" He bawled. I frantically nodded, feeling as if I'd pass out from embarrassment. But before I was able to actually go unconscious, I was met by a warm hug, and soft sniffles. 

"Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes! Oh you have no idea how long I've waited for this! I wanted to go to you but you seemed so distant and I got really nervous and I'd back away at the last minute! Oh god, This is so good! I love you I love you I love you!" He rambled, kissing my neck frantically. 

I scoffed, starting to laugh softly. He was such a dork. 

"Yah, I love you more." I said, hugging him back. There was a long, awkward silence. What now?

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