Chapter 10

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Seokjin picked up a giggling Minho from the grass field where he had been playfully crawling. Lifting him up in the air, he blew warm air into his tiny tummy making him erupt in a fit of laughter.

"Papa bear played a whole lot today, your clothes are dirty" He said to his son who wasn't paying him any attention besides raking his small fingers through his hair.

"Bathe time shall we baby?"

Placing his son on his hip, he held him close to his side before walking away towards the house.

"Let him be"

The ever so familiar voice came through the entrance door. Seokjin looked towards Jungkook who seemed to have just come back from work reeking of that familiar perfume again.

Tossing his work bag aside and tugging on his tie, Jungkook walked towards Jin stopping just in front of him. Jin's brows knitted together as he attempted to walk away from the man in front of him.

"Come back here"

Jin was pulled back by his free arm, landing against Jungkook's chest.

"I need to bath him, please let me go"

"Now you speak to me" he chuckled "You've been avoiding me lately Seokjin, tell me is it because of what happened the other night?"

Seokjin yanked his arm out from his grip and stepped back to look him properly in the eye.

"I have no idea what you're talking ab—"

"Yea right! Anyways I don't care. Just give me my son, I want to spend time with him"

Seokjin huffed in disbelief cradling Minho closer to his side.

"Your son?"

Resting his arm above his hip, Jungkook clenched his jaw as he stared down at Jin.

"I don't remember you conceiving him on your own"

"Neither do I remember you ever being a father figure to him since the very day he was born!" Seokjin yelled. The effrontery the man in front of him had. How could he talk so freely over such a sensitive topic to him.

"You're really full of shit you know? I swear he's going to start thinking you're the only parent he has with the way you always make me look like a terrible person in front of him. You literally always keep him away from me, and please don't even get me started, I've made it clear several times without number that it's you I don't want not Minho"

Seokjin's insides burned. Burned with the feeling of both pain, hurt and anger.
Jungkook was too much sometimes he thought.

"You did not have to say that, I already know"

"Just letting you know for clarity Seokjin"

Jungkook stepped much closer to his him and his son "Give him to me, dont let me forcefully take him from you"

Seokjin hesitated for a while, eyes lowering down to meet that of his son. A genuine smile broke out of his face when the baby smiled revealing his double bunny teeth that had just started to grow in his mouth. After contemplating, he decided to just take a shower instead while Minho is with Jungkook.

"Fine. But I'll come get him once I finish bathing, he needs to clean up for bed soon"


Jungkook took Minho from Jin and held him close to his chest.

The sight did something to Jin's insides. It was a sight he wished he could witness more often as it tingled his insides with a shred of hope, one he also knew he would never get.

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