Chapter 37

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Seokjin was beginning to experience pain in his head, the more he watched and listened to each video Jungkook had made. Apparently the videos were separated into various parts, because they were taken on different days.

Jimin on the other hand, had since long found the remote control of the device, laying untouched by the corner. The remote control, was able to help them maneuver each clip precisely.

"Day fifty two," Jungkook exhaled with a throaty groan, "Seokjin is pregnant, he told me he is pregnant with my child, and a paternity test did confirm that he was indeed carrying my child. I'm so doomed, first of all, I have no idea how my family would react to such a news, and Taehyung? I know he's forever going to hate me, I have no idea what I'm gonna do" He questions, keeping a stern gaze on the lens, before he eventually got up and turned off the video.

Jimin clicks on the remote control quickly, and another slide came into view.

"This is day ninety, and I had Seokjin move in with me, after we got married. Fortunately for me, my parents were ecstatic about the news concerning their grandchild, but not Taehyung. Because after he found out what I did, he broke up with me in an instant and left town, and I haven't seen him in a while. As for Seokjin, right now he is in the bedroom napping, I never really took much note of it, but he looks really exhausted these days. I was thinking of getting him a doctor, one who can come by the house very often to check on him, but we had a fight earlier and I yelled at him.

I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened, of course I'm mad at him for ruining my life, but it wasn't totally his fault, i was just as involved in it"

Jungkook exhaled deeply, "Before things get worse, which I hope doesn't, I really want him to have my child so we can get a divorce. The quicker he gets away from me, then the better for everyone, including my unborn child. I'm Jeon Jungkook, and I've been the person speaking, till next time"
He says, standing up to his feet and shutting off the camera.

Jimin didn't wait to be told what to do, before he immediately moved over to the next clip.

Again, Jungkook came into view, this time wearing some casual clothings instead, which consisted of sweatpants and a T-shirt. He took a seat on the single armed chair as usual, before he began. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, and this is day ninety six. My parents, especially my mother absolutely hates and is against the idea of me getting a divorce from Jin. She said something like Jin would help me better my life and so on, but I think not. If anything, I have a feeling I would end up hurting him and I really do not want that to happen.

Speaking of Jin, he's gradullay starting to show, and he looks even more beautiful than I remembered. I think heaven must be missing an angel and the angel just somehow happens to be stuck with the devil." He laughed, almost like a crazed man, then continued, "Finally, I think Jin likes me, like a lot. I have no idea what to do about that though, I only want him to have this baby and go far away from me. Sometimes I think I'm even too young become a father, I'm absolutely not ready"

Jin's eyes watered even more, not because of all the words Jungkook said, partly maybe, but because of how the man looked. Jungkook looked exasperated and completely sated, he looked like a man who was gradually loosing his sanity on a daily basis and couldn't do anything about it.

The next clip played rather quickly, thereby pulling Jin out of his sympathetic mood.

"Hey! Oh my God! Jin put to bed, Jeon Jungkook you are now a father. You have a son who looks exactly like you!" Jungkook shrieked, since the videos started rolling, this was the very first time Jungkook was standing to his feet and pacing about in sheer excitement.

"Jin gave me a son, I can't believe it, I'm one lucky basteted aren't I? He looks everything like me and he looks so tiny, and fragile and so small, i was so scared to hold him in my arms, afraid that I'd hurt him"

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