Chapter 25

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Jin laughed out hysterically chugging another shot of vodka down his throat, his facial features contorting as the content made it's way down his throat along with its burning sensation.

"Sheesh! That's some good stuff" he slurred out to himself, hitting the small glass against the counter again.

"Another! Give me another!" He demanded from the bartender who was currently wiping off the counter top where Jin had spilled his drink on earlier. The bartender sighed turning around on his heels to reach for another bottle which he corked open filling up Jin's glass again.

Jin cried on his way from the hospital to the small bar situated by the corner of a busy street overlooking the much busier city, the bar was greatly famous for its good blends of exotic schnapps, tingling spirits and cold bears. He felt pitiful, heartbroken and used, mostly the latter since he found out the little secret of Taehyung and his ex husband.

He wiped his face with his palms whimpering and sniffing as he turned the drink to his head "He's terrible, I hate him!" he screamed at the top of his lungs making the bartender and the few people present in the bar flinch in shock.

"How could he be so cold" he wailed hitting his head continuously against the counter until the bartender had to put his arm underneath his head to prevent him from bleeding.

"Sir is everything okay?" the man questioned looking at him with concern.

"My entire life is over" Jin responds with his head down as another wave of tears made it down his cheeks.

The bartender exhaled "sir it's almost closing hours, is there anybody you'd like us to call to take you home?"

"Bullshit!" Jin blurted out while standing up to his feets but lost his balance and staggered back to his seat "I can-I can go home by myself you fucker, what do you take me for? A drunk?"

"No sir, not at all, but you're really not in the right state of mind to be out and about on your own. We are just trying to help"

Jin laughed hysterically.

"You think I'm crazy? I'm not the crazy one here, it's him. It's him that no good monster who took everything away from me and ruined my entire life! He's the crazy one not me!" His eyes watered again at the thought.

Ken laid Jin down on his bed gently and exhaled. It was such a hassle trying to calm him down through out the car ride to the house, Jin kept screaming at him to stop the car, and other times telling him to drive to a rail station so he could stand in front of a moving train to put an end to his misery, all the while yelling at the top of his lungs.

He tucked some stray hairs away from his face as he watched him sleep. Jin looked peaceful and meek, he couldn't quite understand how a person could put him through so much pain.

He pulled the comforter properly over his body before deciding to stand up to his feets only to be pulled back down with full force until his chest collided with Jin's and his eyes widened.

"Don't go please" Jin talked faintly out from his sleep without opening his eyes. It was almost like he was sleep talking "I don't want to be alone anymore, nobody loves me"

Ken's heart tightened with each words that escaped Jin's lips.

Just when he thought it was over, Jin stirred pulling him closer to his body "he's having a kid with that other man, that man he was cheating on me with,I didn't know this until today. Do you know I can no longer have babies? I can no longer give birth but there he is having another child already Like our Minho and Moon never mattered" Even with his eyes closed, Ken could still see the droplets of tears seeping out through each corner of his eyes.

Ken forcefully pulled his body out from Jin's strong grip, Jin somehow looked weak, but he sure did have a death grip on him.

"Shhh, it's okay Jin, please get some rest, everything will be fine"

Creaking his eye lids open, Jin starred at Ken with his watered eyes "Even you too?you don't want me?"

Getting into bed with him, Ken pulled the comforter up their bodies and carefully pulled Jin closer to his chest where he soothingly rubbed his hair trying to hush him.

"You're one amazing man you know that?" He questions, to which Jin nodded his head "Anybody who has you would consider himself the luckiest on earth, you are way more than anything you've been through Jin, you fought hard and you've come such a long way, we are all so proud of you. We who currently have you in our lives consider ourselves very lucky you should know that" As he spoke, he made sure to caress the restless man until the extent he began hearing soft snores and whimpers.

"Here you go" The shorter man says handing Taehyung a glass of water and taking one for himself as well while taking a seat.

"Thank you Hoseok" he says taking the glass of water from him "I needed this" he added after downing the cup.

Hoseok smiled at him before lowering his eyes to his stomach "Soon and my god daughter will be here, I can't wait" he exclaimed excitedly.

"Me too, ugh I'm so stressed, I can't wait to have her"

"Jungkook must be so ecstatic, speaking of Jungkook, how is he?" Hoseok asks as it's been a few days since he'd been hospitalized.

Taehyung heaved a sigh "He's okay, the doctors will discharge him soon so he will return home"

Hoseok nodded, turning his attention to the tv.

His phone rang beside him and Taehyung picked it up, his tone sounded lighter at the beginning of the call but turned sour towards the end and Hoseok noticed.

"You okay?" He asks with concern.

Taehyung fumed with anger throwing his phone hard against the couch "So annoying!" He yelled.

"Hey what's going on?" This time Hoseok ditched his seat hauling closer to Taehyung "you shouldn't be shouting or stressing yourself, it's not good for the baby"

"Tell me about it" he says while rolling his eyes "He needs to understand that I need more time and I don't have enough money to spare at the moment, especially not with Jungkook in the hospital"

Hoseok's face contorted in confusion as he tried understanding his childhood friend "What are you talking about? You sound so angry, Who's not patient?"

Taehyung sighed rubbing his palms over his face "I'm beginning to think this was not a good idea in the first place Hoseok" he whined "I can't get Jungkook to marry me, everything is already going down south"

"Yah! What are you talking about Taetae? Please talk to me you're confusing the shit out of me, why won't Jungkook marry you? You said he loves you right? You also told me y'all are just waiting to have the baby before the wedding planning kicked off I'm I right?" Hoseok asks corking a brow questionably at his friend.

Taehyung threw his head back on the headrest of the couch with his eyes faced to the ceiling "Ugh! This is truly driving me crazy, Hoseok"

"What is? C'mon Tae talk to me" he demanded.

"I never really told you, but this child isn't exactly Jungkook's"

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