Chapter 16

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Jimin stood some distance away from Seokjin who sat on the marble tile adorning his children's graves, eyes and heart heavy with sorrow that could only be conveyed through tears.

In loving memory of Minho and Moon.

Although he never got to meet his second child, but he was eventually told it was a girl and he later went on to name her MOON. He believes she was given to him by the heavens, and has gone back to live amongst the stars where she rightfully belongs. Although he felt terribly sorry each day for not being able to protect her, not just her but Minho as well.

Seokjin sniffed "My babies Appa is so sorry, if only I could turn back the hands of time then I would have been more of a warrior for the both of you. I could have prevented you from meeting the monster who took you two away from me untimely, I could have fought diligently every single day to ensure you both grew up to become amazing individuals like I always dreamed. I will always love you my babies for the whole of eternity, please go easy on appa, my heart is aching so much and I can only imagine how you both feel."

The tears were streaming down his face now without ceasing, Jimin rushed to his side pulling him into a hug.

"Shhh it's okay Jinnie, it's okay" He rocked him side to side while Jin wailed into his chest.

Jimin had since called in to make up an excuse to why he was skipping work for the day, and he had also reached out to Namjoon to tell him about he news. The later was both worried and maybe excited? , he even planned to skip work for the day to come support his boyfriend and Seokjin, but Jimin refused, explaining to him that Jin needed some alone time with his kids, so Namjoon had to stay back at work but promising to call it a day much earlier than usual so he could meet them back at home.

When the sobs gradually turned into broken sniffs and hiccups, Jimin pulled away from the hug cupping his friends reddened face.

"I'm so proud of you, look at you, you are stronger than you think Jin believe me, I know nothing ever easily soothes the pain away, but I want you to atleast know Minho and Moon hold non of this against you I'm more than certain of that. They know you were the best parent for them, a parent who wanted only the best for them and would go any length just to make that happen. They love you Jin, they love you so much I know this, you need to know this as well, don't hold this over your head for the rest of you life please it wasn't your fault"

They both spent more time beside the children until dark clouds started making way through the light. Jimin placed a bouquet of sunflowers on the grave just beside where their names were engraved in gold italics. He whispered a tiny "I love you both so much, rest well angels" then running along to catch up with Jin who had also since placed his flowers down beside Jimin's.

The scent of freshly baked cakes and cinnamon rolls filled the air of the small cafe downtown, one which was Jin's favorite by the way.

It's been so long he had a taste of anything sweet, he was in a mood for some as his taste buds tingled.

The bell by the door to the cafe dinged and in walked a cheerful Jimin casually strolling towards where Jin was seated with a smile on his face.

"Ugh I feel terrible, hope I didn't disturb your work Minnie?"

Pulling out a chair for himself he slumped down on it "Oh trust me, as much as I love my job, I really needed a break, so no Jinnie you didn't disturb my work. How are you? Thought you were going to be home all day"

Jin shrugged his wide shoulders, bringing his cup of chamomile coffee up to his plump lips then taking another very much needed sip.

"Mmm well yea kinda" He spurted out "but a thought popped in my head and I couldn't wait for you to get home before I share it"

Jimin squinted his eyes, keenly studying his friend "And what was so pressing that you couldn't wait for me to get home first?"

He watched Seokjin fidget with his fingers which were wrapped gently around his coffee cup.

"C'mon! Spill don't make me all antsy here"

Seokjin exhaled, looking Jimin dead in the eye "I think it's time i get a job"

Jimin's facial features contorted in obvious confusion "That possibly cannot be the only reason you couldn't wait fo___"

"Okay okay!" Jin began cutting him off "I want to pull out some of Minho's insurance and get a place of my own then set up something for myself, I have a whole lot planned ahead already and I seriously cannot continue to sit idle each day while watching you and Joonie work your asses off to rake in money for all the bills"

Jimin felt a urge to reach over the table and grab his hands, but resisted against it.

"B_but we are not complaining Jin, why would you___"

"Oh believe me, you are my Angel here on earth Minnie, everyday I look back at my life and realize I never could have survived the tough times without you. You're the most selfless human I know and I honestly bless the day I met you"

It was now Seokjin's turn to reach over the table and pull Jimin's hands into his caressing over his soft skin with his thumb.

"Don't cry Jimin ah, I just need you to trust me and believe in me in this new phase of my life. I'm trying to become steadfast so I can preserver, I'm trying to become strong willed and get back every single thing I ever lost. I'm tired of being the victim, I'm tired of always being at the receiving end of bullshit and I sure as hell I'm tired of constantly being bullied.

I need you, I need Joonie and I need the guidance of my babies up there to pull this through. I love you so much, I always will and you know that, so yea I think it's height time to become a better version of myself don't you think so Minnie?"

By the time Jin was done talking, Jimin noticed the glint of hope shinning his eyes, it was unlike anything he'd seen before. Was this really a new phase he was stepping into?

"Jinnie you okay?" He finally chortled out.

Jin flashed him a small smile "Never been better Minnie"

It was a very cool evening when they both arrived back home. Since the cafe wasn't so far away from the house they decided to walk hand in hand talking about anything and everything. Throwing some random and petty jokes inbetween as they giggled at their past college selves.

A black Mercedes pulled up as Jimin reached into his bag for the keys.

"I always knew you were a fucking liar!"

Jimin whipped his head in the direction of the voice, his face forming a scowl as he starred down at the man by the foot of the stairs. His eyes slowly drifting towards Jin who surprisingly looked__a lot more calmer compared to him.

How was that even possible.

"Seokjin where have you been?"

The said man eventually asked after starring at him for what seemed like forever.

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