Chapter 21

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The ride home was silent until Ken pulled up on Jin's driveway. Turning in his seat he looks at him, finally starring properly at the very apprehensive man.

"We are here" he says pulling Jin out from his thoughts.

Jin looked out the window at the very much accustomed neighborhood he'd moved into some weeks ago and sighed quietly "I'm sorry, my mind was someplace else, thank you for bringing me home" he says with a small smile.

Returning the gesture, Ken looked him straight in the eyes "You need to calm down okay? What you did today was extremely brave, you stood up for yourself and nothing makes me happier"

"But you got hurt" Jin says with an obvious whine, eyes raking over the bandaged spot underneath Ken's shirt.

"And I saw a doctor" He began "I know you would never allow me peace until I got treated and I did just that. I honestly feel much better trust me, I've endured much worse for just one punch from Jungkook to leave me dead" he intended it as a joke to lighten the mood and atmosphere in order to calm down an obviously worried Jin.

It did work as Jin found himself chuckling at the joke "thank you so much for everything" he says sincerely.

Ken only hummed.

"Sure you'll be okay on your own tonight?"

Jin nodded warily, proceeding to undo the seat belt "Get home safe"

With that he steps out of the vehicle waving at the man before making his way up his front porch. The lights came on in the house before Ken drove away in the direction of his own house.

The next morning started off as usual with Jin getting up from bed, attending to petty chores around his small living space he'd bought in a cozy neighborhood before heading for the showers.

He was always known for skipping breakfast and today he did it on purpose throwing a coat over his wide frame and putting on his shoes, he dashed out the door deciding breakfast and even lunch was going to be with Jimin.

When he arrived at Jimin's, he catches a glimpse of the man seated on the long sofa with a furry blanket over his small body and a big bowl of icecream in front of him. Taking in the sight, Jin shook his head before shrugging out of his coat and shoes and making his way towards a sobbing Jimin.

As the approaching footsteps got more audible Jimin lifted up his blurry gaze "J-Joonie?" He called out ever so softly causing Jin's heart to break into bits.

"No Minnie it's me"


"Yes it's me Minnie" he answers taking a seat beside his bestfriend and pulling him into a side hug, wrapping him in his arms while Jimin bawled his eyes out into his chest.

"Shhh it's okay Minnie, it's okay let it out, I'm here I won't leave you" as he spoke his hands rubbed very soothing circles over the crying man's back.

"H-he he won't call me" he cries, occasionally tripping over his words "he's so-he's so mad at me, he won't take my calls and he won't come home either. I'm I that much of a terrible person Jin?"

Jin only hauled him closer to his chest, ghosting his fingers into his soft locks "Hell no, you're not a terrible person, you're the sweetest person I know"

"But he compared me to Jungkook, says I'm like Jungkook because of what I did"

"God no!" Jin retorted "God forbid it Minnie you're not a monster like him. I think Namjoon was just so mad that's why he said all those things to you, you're not like Jungkook, never have and never will please don't ever say that"

Pulling away from the hug Jimin stared up at Jin with reddened eyes and wobbly lips "then why would he say that?"

Jin sighed, hand reaching for a tissue in the box of tissue placed on the table in front of them and wiping Jimin's face dry "I want you listen to me Minnie ok?"

Jimin nodded staring Jin in the eye.

"I love you so much, you're the only person i have left in this entire world so I'm going to be honest with you, it may not be what you want to hear but I'd rather tell you the truth than lie to you okay?"

Again Jimin nodded slumping his shoulders in defeat because he knew what was about to come. Jin when being honest can be as blunt as a knife, not giving a care as to what kind of relationship you had with him.

"The truth is you were wrong" he began "Namjoon loves you, oh dear lord that man is head over heels in love with you, everyone in the university knew it then. There was no you without him and there was no him without you. So when you got pregnant for him and decided against keeping it, you got a doctors appointment and got rid of it, only telling him after you've already done it.

For what it's worth, you took that decision solely on your own, you didn't give him a choice Minnie, you didn't make that baby on your own but you acted as if you did. Namjoon wasn't given a chance to play a role in his child's life and I think that's why he got so mad at you, you didn't trust him enough to come up with a decision that could help the both of you in anyway possible.

The night you guys had a huge fight over it was the same night I met jungkook, let's just agree a lot of unfortunate events took place that night" Jin laughed causing Jimin to laugh along with him as they reminisced in the past.

"Although you thought you've both sorted it out but maybe it never really left his mind, and everything that has happened recently might have triggered his emotions. But the part where he said you're like Jungkook? Please no Minnie your not, you're nothing like that man. You thought about your life, your future, you needed to be sure if it was the right time to have a baby while in school and still trying to figure things out. Bringing a child into this world is not easy, that was why you did what you did. Though Namjoon's pain still remains the fact that you took such a life changing decision on your own without him.

Don't blame him too much okay, he didn't mean half of the things he said to you. Stop being so stubborn and stop waiting for him to call you, go get him and sort things out with him. I don't think there's a second man like Joon out there, I only want the best for you okay?"

By the time Jin finished talking, Jimin was already clinging to him like a baby koala. He somehow always knew the right words to say to an aching heart even though his was still hurting.

"I love you so much Jinnie" Jimin squeezed him into his arms "You're the best thing in my life" he says with all sincerity while sniffing.

The flower shop was luckily still opened by the time Jin arrived there because he'd spent the entire afternoon comforting Jimin and cooking for him, not that he was complaining, he was more than glad to be able to return the tiniest bit of help as Jimin has been doing. Picking up yellow lilies bouquet for both his kids, he smelled the flowers as he maintained the path that led to the cemetery.

It's been a while since he visited his babies because of everything that had been going on. Quickening his pace he turned in the direction of the graves when he caught sight of a figure sitting on the floor directly opposite the graves with a bottle of Soju clutched tightly to his chest and other empty bottles littering the ground.

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