chapter 17 o[]o

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George sat there, shocked at what he was looking at. At first, he thought dream was hurt and that it was his own blood, until he realised dream looked perfectly fine, he didn't look hurt...

it was someone else's blood.

Dream grabbed 2 books off frank and walked away. Frank waved towards dream and George before they both walked back into the shop.

Dream walked towards the car before opening the door and sitting inside.

"what the fuck happened in their dream! why are you covered in blood?"

"I don't want to talk about it" dream says quietly as he turns on the car. While dream was inside john and some other guy came outside and filled the car up, so it wasn't low on fuel anymore.

"dream come on you can talk to me" George says lifting his hand up to lay on dreams shoulder. dream jumps back and yells at George "I can't talk to anyone! no one will ever know what happened in there... including you."

George was annoyed that he wasn't going to understand what was going through dreams mind. He only hoped that one day, dream would feel more comfortable around him to tell him what goes on in these parts of his life.

George wanted to know all the good and the bad things about him no matter what they included. He didn't even care anymore he just wanted to know dream, he wanted to know the real dream not the made-up persona that he uses around people.

"dream you have to tell me! How are we ever going to trust each other if you cant tell me what happened"

"cause I don't want to you to hate me again!" dream said angrily.

George felt sorry for trying to push dream to talk but he was right, they needed to have some sort of trust.

"dream, I will never hate you, just tell me what happened" George replied putting one of his hands onto dreams.

(hey its me the author wanted to mention dream drives with one hand so that's how they are like "holding hands" rn :D okay byeee )

"One day, one day I might just tell you but right now, we have to go, or they are going to catch us."

George accepted the fact that dream wouldn't tell him, but that's besides the point, right now they have to worry about running the fuck away from here before someone catches them.

Dream and George finally arrive at the cabin, and they run inside, they made the plan to stay there while they book some plane tickets to Australia. They were also staying there so they can make sure that when they actually have to make there way to the airport no one will be following them.

Dream told George to go get some sleep cause they will need it for the long journey they have awaiting them in the morning. Or technically night seeing as dream thought it would be safer to buy a plane ticket for the night time. Since its a lot less easier to see in the dark.

Dream bought the tickets using the passports that he had bought off of frank and his whole group

(for all you amazing, wonderful people who might not have realised it yet, frank is like apart of the old gang dream used to be a part of :D)

He managed to buy some plane tickets for just the next day, once again technically not day seeing as it will be around 3am when they get on the plane.
Dream decided he was going to go get some sleep before having to get on the plane and told George to do the same.

They were both sound asleep before George felt someone slightly start to shake him awake. It was dream

"dream what's going on."

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